The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Neil
Date: 2024-06-30 21:21
I ran into something similar a while back, not with a clarinet but with a hat. The China-based company advertised a name-brand product at a good price, but provided a cheap Chinese-made product of a different brand. They tried to explain it away as, "sometimes there is a difference between lots.." I did eventually get a refund, but with taxes and shipping the product back to China, I was still out close to $40. For $299 you'll get a CSO and the company will insist that it's just as good as the one pictured. If anyone tries this out and actually gets a Prestige, please let us know.
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Author: donald
Date: 2024-07-01 13:58
Yamaha DOES have a range of student instruments made in China that are exclusively for the Chinese market... and this has caused a new problem. Counterfeit clarinets/saxophones that are sold in NZ as Yamaha, but when it's questioned ("that's not a Yamaha") the response is that they are the Chinese made Yamaha... this despite the fact that Yamaha reps for Australasia have already identified them as fake. (people will believe what they want to hear)
But the customer is partially to blame... a new Yamaha instrument at 1/6th the price that YAMAHA sells them at? And you're not even slightly suspicious?
As they say in NZ, "yeah right!"
As is stated above, I'm really sick of this horse-hockey (keeping it polite).
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2024-07-01 16:55
Yamaha's factories in China and Indonesia still adhere to Yamaha's quality control as they're Yamaha owned and run facilities, whereas the counterfeits are made by Chinese owned factories making Buffet B12 copies and either slapping any name they want to on them, or sending them out unbranded for anyone to laser engrave any name they want on them.
I have no real problem with copies as copies of instruments have been made for decades, but I draw the line at counterfeits and refuse to work on them as a matter of principle.
Stick by the saying "if it's too good to be true ..." and you'll have a clear conscience.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Julian ibiza
Date: 2024-07-01 21:11
I believe Yamaha have their principal acoustic guitar factory in China now. This is a purpose built building with all the wood seasoning warehouses, producing not only their lower, but also their top of the range models under strict control. It's basically a small province of Japan .
Julian Griffiths
Tel. 34 696 798 853
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Author: Julian ibiza
Date: 2024-07-01 21:52
Also, the best cellos you're likely to find under 10,000$ will be made in China, so although they're still big into the cheap fakes market, they can also be highly skilled craftsmen. They are a very resourceful peoples..... if full of contradictions.
They're probably running a maned space mission to paint " Buffet & Crampon" on the moon in surplus Christmas decorations even as we speak. Lol
Julian Griffiths
Tel. 34 696 798 853
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Author: Bennett ★2017
Date: 2024-07-01 22:29
Looks authentic to me judging by the fact that there are no white gloves in the package.
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2024-07-02 07:18
>> Yamaha DOES have a range of student instruments made in China that are exclusively for the Chinese market... <<
Some of their student models are made in China regardless of where they are sold.
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Author: donald
Date: 2024-07-02 08:55
If you search this board you will find many times over the years where I have commented that there ARE actually quality instruments made in China, and excellent luthiers (including people trained by both Yamaha and Buffet). And yes of course it's common knowledge that Yamaha has factories in Indonesia and China (as Chris mentions above).
AND there are student instruments made by Yamaha in China intended exclusively for the Chinese market. AND there are poor quality counterfeit instruments that claim to be Buffet and Yamaha.
AND we have illicit traders claiming the latter to be the former.
This about sums it up, right?
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Author: m1964
Date: 2024-07-03 19:17
Yes, it does!
I could not find a way to report the add...maybe some one has a tip how to report to Google search engine add(s) like that one.
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