The Clarinet BBoard
Author: SecondTry
Date: 2024-06-08 20:45
Does anyone know where I can get or borrow the above? Here is a link to the title:
I was thumbing through Volume 1 of this collection, which while an introduction to clarinet--something far below my skillset--is written with passages that "trick" the player into having to concentrate because they sometimes don't follow the patterns of a "Bearmann" or "Kroepsh" or "Langenus" or "Lazarus," not that any of the aforementioned titles, IMHO, aren't excellent.
I like how it keeps me on my toes....kind of like a milder version of Tom Heimer's, and fellow board member's excellent title
Some searching of the board led me down paths that seem to have become less productive for me with those post's age.
Only in Europe have I, maybe, found it in stock, where shipping, assuming a vendor is even amenable to same, can be pricey.
Post Edited (2024-06-08 20:46)
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Author: SecondTry
Date: 2024-06-08 21:07
Thanks Elmo but using your suggestion I could only find in its place Klose's Volume 1 at Amazon France, not the desired Eugene Gay's Volume 2.
Please clue me in to what, if anything, I may be doing wrong in my search.
Post Edited (2024-06-08 21:09)
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Author: SecondTry
Date: 2024-06-08 22:23
Yeah Ed, thanks.
When I tried this link yesterday and clicked on the book to order I was lead to webpage in which no such ordering could take place.
I called the telephone number were Van Cott's owner said they were no longer in business.
If you know otherwise, I'd be thrilled to be told that I'm wrong here.
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Author: kdk
Date: 2024-06-09 00:50
Mark Charette wrote:
> Nope, Gary retired. I'll retire his website someday .... :(
I'm sorry to hear that. I haven't ordered from him in a while, so didn't know he had shut down. It's a great loss to woodwind players.
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Author: Natam17
Date: 2024-06-09 00:51
The catalog and inventory was acquired by Music Masters in Arizona, but their website is down for maintenance too… I’ve had success ordering from them after the switch, but you may need to wait for their site to be up again
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Author: kdk
Date: 2024-06-09 01:05
A number of hits come up in a Bing search, also I assume in Google or any other search engine. Sheet Music Plus advertises Volume 2, but it *is* pricey - $65 plus whatever shipping they add.
Music Masters ( seems to be up and running now. I found Volume 1 there. I didn't find Volume 2.
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Author: SecondTry
Date: 2024-06-09 02:22
kdk wrote:
> Sheet Music Plus advertises
> Volume 2, but it *is* pricey - $65 plus whatever shipping they
> add.
> Karl
hmmm...I only found Volume 1, not 2 at Sheet Music Plus of Eugene Gay's Method Book.
...thrilled to be shown wrong.. 
I concur with AZ Music Masters being a bust as it regards Volume 2.
The search continues....
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Author: kdk
Date: 2024-06-09 06:19
My apologies - the link is but I missed the panel to the side that says "Unavailable."
I tried to surround that with url tags but it didn't work - maybe the link is too long.
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Author: Julian ibiza
Date: 2024-06-09 16:14
I'm getting a company called Camco offering book 1, but claiming that book 2 is " discontinued and no longer available."
Julian Griffiths
Tel. 34 696 798 853
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Author: elmo lewis
Date: 2024-06-09 19:57
I saw it on
A good place to find used books, music, and recordings. They aggregate lots of European sites along with the usual American ones.
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Author: elmo lewis
Date: 2024-06-09 20:06
I also found copies at the Indiana University music library in Bloomington (IUCAT) and the Louisiana University main library (Worldcat).
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Author: SecondTry
Date: 2024-06-09 20:40
Karl: no worries. Actually thanks. You're suggestion to use a Bing search is what connected me to Hickeys; previously unknown to me via a Google search.
FWIW and if you aren't already aware, you might enjoy the website which for free remaps web addresses to shortened versions: useful when some "monster length url" proves cumbersome--whether in general or in this forum specifically. I've availed myself of it for use on this forum numerous times in the past.
Ed: thanks for the Luyben suggestion. If Hickeys doesn't pan out Annette has been wonderful to work with having in the past ordered the late Robert Luyben's ligature. I'm not a "lig guy" and yet still find this plastic invention considerably better for synthetic reeds than many other alternatives.
Elmo: Thanks for the two references. It's nice to have backups. Hickeys and Luyben may turn out to not stock this book once they check their shelves.
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Author: kdk
Date: 2024-06-09 21:04
SecondTry wrote:
> Karl: no worries. Actually thanks. You're suggestion to use a
> Bing search is what connected me to Hickeys; previously unknown
> to me via a Google search.
Good to know.
> FWIW and if you aren't already aware, you might enjoy the
> website which for free remaps web
> addresses to shortened versions: useful when some "monster
> length url" proves cumbersome--whether in general or in this
> forum specifically. I've availed myself of it for use on this
> forum numerous times in the past.
Yes, I use Thanks. I just didn't take the time. I'm not even sure the length was the problem.
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2024-06-10 20:19
I have his site redirecting to the Van Cott Music Books section of That site is pretty slow to respond, so you might have to wait or refresh again.
Good luck!
Post Edited (2024-06-10 20:20)
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Author: SecondTry
Date: 2024-06-10 20:57
elmo lewis wrote:
> I saw it on
> A good place to find used books, music, and recordings. They
> aggregate lots of European sites along with the usual American
> ones.
Hi Elmo:
Volume 2 of Gay's Clarinet Method was not a title I found at, although other publications of Mr. Gay's did appear in my search there.
If you could link or describe what you entered at this website to have this second volume of his clarinet method appear in your browser I would be thankful for that. 
Post Edited (2024-06-10 21:24)
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Author: davyd
Date: 2024-06-10 22:33
Is this it? shows it costing just under US $440.
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Author: SecondTry
Date: 2024-06-10 23:04
davyd wrote:
> Is this it?
> shows it costing just under US $440.
But at a price of 2262 Brazlian Reals, whose dollar value I concur to be around that you quoted, it might as well, for me at least, be the wrong title.
Thanks, but at $440 it would have to not simply be a great book, but guarantee me that once studying it, that I'd be a great player. 
I do appreciate your efforts though, thanks!
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Author: lydian
Date: 2024-06-10 23:35
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Author: elmo lewis
Date: 2024-06-10 23:58
Put Eugene Gay in the author box and Methode in the title box. It's the first search result.
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Author: SecondTry
Date: 2024-06-11 00:52
elmo lewis wrote:
> Put Eugene Gay in the author box and Methode in the title box.
> It's the first search result.
Thanks for writing back.
Expressly following your directions returned me 7 titles, sadly none of which was Mr. Gay's 2nd Volume of his Method book.
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Author: SecondTry
Date: 2024-06-11 01:01
lydian wrote:
Thanks Lydian: I appreciate your and everyone's efforts.
Sadly a preemptive email by me to Boosey this weekend before ordering disclosed it backordered.
This itself wouldn't deter me were it not for the fact that the nice guy at Hickey's in Ithaca,NY confirmed for me that this version of the book's publisher, Billaudot in France, currently only makes Volume 1 available for order.
This same kindly gent checked some of the other big publishing house names, like JW Pepper with equally dead lead results.
Oh well. 
Post Edited (2024-06-11 01:41)
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Author: lydian
Date: 2024-06-11 05:28
No idea if this is legit, but you may want to contact them.
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Author: SecondTry
Date: 2024-06-11 17:50
lydian wrote:
> No idea if this is legit, but you may want to contact them.
Thanks again Lydian.
I had reached out to these chaps before posting this thread to find them out of stock but willing to reorder, knowing perhaps better than them that there’s no one to reorder from. 
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Author: lydian
Date: 2024-06-11 23:40
A few others to try:
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Author: elmo lewis
Date: 2024-06-11 23:44
au contraire mon frere, the first search result says "Deuxieme partie" (second part or volume 2). It's a different publisher but the same title.
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Author: SecondTry
Date: 2024-06-12 00:27
elmo lewis wrote:
> au contraire mon frere, the first search result says "Deuxieme
> partie" (second part or volume 2). It's a different publisher
> but the same title.
I see now Elmo, thank you. Sadly the Amazon link this first selection take me to prohibits sales that involve shipping to me in the States.
Perhaps if I become motivated enough--unlikely at this point--I will involve the services of a French package forwarding service; a pricey venture no doubt above product cost considering both shipping and service fees. 
Post Edited (2024-06-12 00:35)
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Author: SecondTry
Date: 2024-06-12 00:37
lydian wrote:
> A few others to try:
Thanks Lydian:
I will be reaching out to these vendors regarding whether these are stock items and what, if so, their costs to ship to the States would be. 
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The Clarinet Pages