The Clarinet BBoard
Author: kerryklari
Date: 2023-06-30 19:29
I want to have a mouthpiece bored out to make the internal diameter larger. Can anyone recommend or suggest someone who could do this? I live in Ireland so someone based here would be the most ideal, but not sure if there will be anyone. Otherwise, someone in EU would be fine. UK maybe possible though it's more difficult to post stuff there nowadays.
(If this seems like an odd request, see this old thread: I have the same instrument. Mine did come with a mouthpiece but it's very hard for me to play, so I'd like to try the modification route.)
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Author: SunnyDaze
Date: 2023-06-30 19:36
Ed Pillinger is usually recommended in the UK.
I know what you mean about posting here. It is tricky.
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Author: JTJC
Date: 2023-06-30 21:48
Peter Eaton has done this for me several times. He must do it all the time though , as he produced wide-bore instruments.
Howarth also offer this service, though not sure who actually does the reaming.
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Author: kerryklari
Date: 2023-07-01 20:37
Thanks both for the suggestions. I will make some enquiries but it looks like it will be possible to find someone to do it.
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