The Clarinet BBoard
Author: aGuyWithEefer
Date: 2023-05-25 04:09
I have recently seen a listing on eBay for a decently priced Eefer, roughly $1k for a Noblet in good condition. I am on the lookout for deals on Eb clarinets as my current one is decent, but not professional level. Thanks for your thoughts!
eBay listing:
A Guy With an Eefer (AKA Eb Clarinet)
Finn's Clarinet on YT
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Author: Hunter_100
Date: 2023-05-25 18:36
if is actually in good condition and includes an ok mouthpiece 1K may be reasonable. I bought mine for 500 but then had to put another 500 into it having it completely overhauled. I also had to upgrade the barrel because the stock one does not tune so great with my Vandoren mouthpiece. If you could get it for 700 or 800 I think it may be a better deal but Noblet's are good eb clarinets.
I think if I did it again though I may hold out for a used buffet e11 eb. It has a more modern bore design and it will work better woth aftermarket accessories, which are pretty much non-existant for noblet with the exception of pierria3d. The used older selmers and buffet r13s seem to always be way expensive for my price range.
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Author: Musikat
Date: 2023-05-25 18:51
I have a Noblet Eb, which I bought a few years off this board for $800 (as a discount offer here. It was listed for $1,000 on Ebay). It is a good horn, but I am currently in the process of upgrading to a professional horn. I could be wrong but I don't think any the Noblet's are considered professional. Mine is an intermediate, sounds good and tunes very well, but doesn't have the richer tone and resonance of the pro horns.
Depending on what you are upgrading from it could be a good deal, but it is all in what you want. Also it says seller does not accept returns so that might be an issue. I was able to have a two week trial period when I bought mine.
I will say finding a pro level used Eb has been very challenging. I am going with new but they are also in short supply right now, depending on the brand.
Oh, and for my Noblet I have had no problems buying aftermarket upgrades. I currently use a Behn cutout barrel, Fobes extension and Backun bell on it and all work and fit fine with the normal fit (not Selmer).
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Author: Ursa
Date: 2023-05-26 10:37
If you're considering a Noblet E-flat, you'd might as well keep an eye open for the Normandy E-flat, which shares the same acoustic design.
Occasionally, a Normandy E-flat will turn up on eBay with no mention made of it being an eefer; I've seen these in good fixer-upper shape go for less than US$200.
Myself, I play a Martin Freres Model 1 in Eb (often mistakenly referred to as the "1750") with a Buffet 42mm barrel. It's a wonderful, delightful instrument and if you happen to come across one for sale, I suggest that you give it serious consideration.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2023-05-26 14:22
Leblanc's hierarchy was like this - from entry level to pro:
Vito - Normandy - Noblet - Leblanc
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Hunter_100
Date: 2023-05-26 17:57
Musikat, did you have to have any of your corks redone to get the barrel and Fobes extension to fit? On my noblet, the tenon is too small and the barrels from Behn, Fobes, backun etc are all too loose to stay on the instrument. I think if I had the cork refitted to be really big, I could make it work.
I want to try the fobes extension, maybe I will order one if it will fit on there without trouble.
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Author: Musikat
Date: 2023-05-26 18:36
No I didn't. But my instrument came overhauled by the Vintage Clarinet guy so maybe he did it already? I think there isn't as much standardization with the older Noblets so perhaps I just got lucky!
That said I did have to have my corks redone on my upper tenon of my R13 to accommodate the Backun MoBa barrel. The MoBas in particular fit very loosely. It was a bit of a pain because I wanted to be able to use a variety of barrels but had to choose that one if I was going to make it work. Now I have an Uebel and the MoBa fits on it just fine, as does the Behn adjustable.
The Fobes extension SHOULD work just fine on your Noblet Eb. Mine did, so worth a try! You can always send it back if it doesn't.
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2023-05-29 17:32
I got a Noblet Eb for $600 from a music store, sight-unseen over the web a few years ago, and it is good. It works. Sounds OK. I loaned it to a young man to use to play Schostakovich and it sounded good. But he is a very strong, young player.
Later on, I stumbled into a relatively pristine Buffet R13 Eb for $3500, and it is a much better instrument. Many years ago, I sold my Eb so I wouldn't be called on to play it again. I got the Noblet to work up some rep just for my own self-improvement. But this is a lot more fun for me on the Buffet. It all depends on the condition and maintenance state of the instrument. The music store had another Noblet Eb for $800, and I should have spent the extra money
I am using the Noblet Eb as a spare. Also have other spares: a Noblet A and a Noblet bass clarinet. All good horns.
I used the Noblet A after my R13 A broke a spring 2 days before a concert, and nobody but the clarinetist next to me knew the difference. The Noblet A was used on Debussy: Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun.
I got a Noblet alto clarinet cheap 2 years ago, and Steve Fox overhauled it for me. Acoustic mods he did made some problem notes tune and speak much better. And he also added a low D, so I can play Basset Horn parts on it, playing them a step up. So there is one less instrument to drag to clarinet quartet gigs. And the whole deal including a custom case was under $2K, a lot less than any used Basset I have seen.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2023-05-29 19:00
Attachment: r13eb.jpg (60k)
Buffet Ebs do play much easier than Vito and Noblet Ebs.
I let someone who normally plays a Noblet Eb try out my early '60s Buffet Eb and he wished he'd borrowed it when he did Shostakovich as he had a tough time with his Noblet Eb which knocked his confidence.
I had a Vito Eb and once I'd overhauled the old Buffet Eb, the difference was like night and day. Same when I've compared it to Noblet Ebs, although they are definitely better players than Vito Ebs.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2023-05-29 21:11
I used to have a Bundy Eb, the only one I ever saw advertised in a newspaper, when newspapers existed and did that.
People in community bands commented on how in-tune I was. I still have the stock mouthpiece I used during that era, and it tunes just fine on both my Noblet and Buffet.
But, with any mouthpiece I tried, the Bundy's entire altissimo register was so flat that I had to finger the next higher half-step and lip the pitch down. At the time, this was more desirable than fighting for pitch in the Bb section in that group. That's why I sold the Bundy.
It is always great to be one-on-a-part.
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Author: Ebclarinet1
Date: 2023-05-29 23:14
I had a Noblet Eefer back in the early 70's and it was pretty well in tune except for high E but I could use an overblown G# fingering that was really right on. The throat and low notes on it were better than more expensive Eefers.
Since then I've bought an R13, Prestige and now Tosca Eefers. The extra Eb/Ab key on the Tosca helps in the all too frequent multiple sharp passages and its high E is a really good note and it play to high C in pretty good tune, unlike any other Eefer I've owned. I performed the Eb concerto "Scent" in May last year and it was able to handle the very challenging runs and jumps of that piece.
Eefer guy
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Author: super20dan
Date: 2023-05-30 07:01
i have a bundy effer that plays very well in tune -once i got a shorter deg barrel for it. it out plays my vintage A ROBERT paris and hard rubber conn. most of the better quality mpcs work well on it but the charles bay is the best with the hite a second choice. its a little beast of a horn. really suprised me
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