The Clarinet BBoard
Author: PeterW
Date: 2023-01-21 13:45
Recently I come over bass clarinets from 3 different sellers' brands, but seems like they should be from the same manufacture, as their octave key, right thumb key layout and the open hole on the bell are the same. I thought they should be from China, but they are different from the Chinese bass clarinets that are available on Ebay. Does anyone have any idea about these bass clarinets?
The links to the sellers are as below:
Lion Roar:
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Author: m1964
Date: 2023-01-22 03:05
Lion Roar has no contact info. Ripa Music and MusicMedic have phone numbers; I'd call them and ask where their instrument comes from.
As far as I know, if an item comes from abroad (China, Mexico, etc.) to the US, and even one small screw is installed in the US, the item can be labeled "Made in the US".
My understanding is that with the bass, it is very important that the keywork is made well, otherwise the instrument will may constantly need adjustments.
Not saying that instruments made in China (or India, or anywhere else) cannot be made well, but when spending a few thousand $$, I'd stick with a reputable name/brand.
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Author: donald
Date: 2023-01-22 03:27
China is quite big you know, there IS more than one manufacturer....
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Author: PeterW
Date: 2023-01-22 04:19
donald wrote:
> China is quite big you know, there IS more than one
> manufacturer....
Hi Donald, you are right, I can find the same looking one on alibaba
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Author: PeterW
Date: 2023-01-22 04:34
Hi m1964, I am interested to check out this model because I was impressed by the Ripamusic bass clarinet when I tried out once before. The intonation was good, but only the lower register keys are heavy. As it looks quite different from the commonly found Chinese bass clarinet, I thought they really made their products. But turn out it is also Chinese horn.
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Author: m1964
Date: 2023-01-22 08:09
Just the fact that it is made in China should not deter you from buying it, IMO.
BUT (big but) if the keys tension is too high, you start wonder why and if it can be adjusted.
If it is just the high springs tension then it would not be a deal breaker.
If springs are too tight because the keywork is poorly fitted and needs high tensioned springs in order to move, that can be a problem.
Why not look for a used brand name bass in good condition or, even better, in not playable condition but cheap, and have it fixed?
At least, a Buffet, Selmer or LeBlanc bass would somewhat hold it re-sale value, while Chinese no-name one probably would not.
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2023-01-22 09:36
I don't know if they are the same, but the Music Medic one says made from wood and hard rubber... but it isn't clear how exactly. The other two say they are made of wood. It also has bridging adjusting screws for the low keys, which the Ripa doesn't, and the Lion photos are terrible and it's not possible to be sure.
What this means is... not much. If you order enough of them, or just willing to pay for it (even for a one-off) then some Chinese companies will make pretty much any specific design feature you want.
The MM is also much cheaper, which could be partly from the material, but often "invisible" things could be the main reason for the price.
Ripa is Ripamonti, which used to make their own instruments in Italy, and I guess still do? I tried their wood bass clarinets some years ago and they were definitely not Chinese back then.
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Author: PeterW
Date: 2023-01-22 12:01
clarnibass wrote:
> I don't know if they are the same, but the Music Medic one says
> made from wood and hard rubber... but it isn't clear how
My friend owns a Ripa bass clarinet which has the low keys bridge adjusting screws, and also the right pinky low C# key, which is different from the photos on their website. From the appearance, it is identical to the one selling on Alibaba except their own logo.
I agree with you that it can be ordered from any factory with specific design as long as someone is willing to pay for it. But it also comes with additional cost, just like the right thumb key cluster, a new mold needs to be built to create those keys. It is also kind of investment for the ordering party.
Regarding the manufacturer of Lion Roar, I just found a youtube video in Japanese which says that it is ordered from Shanghai China.
By consolidating the information, if such keys and bell were designed by Ripamonti (as I believe they started selling such bass clarinet long time ago), I think may be they had their bass clarinets manufactured in China. But somehow the factory uses the same design and produces generic produces selling through Alibaba. Some traders ordered and put their own brand onto it. So that's why they all look the same, but on the other hand different from other Chinese horn. If it is true, the other unknown is whether these "traders" has their own quality control, or even make modifications to the received products, in order to create their own brand value. May be Ripamonti had done something to the final product which made you and me felt good about their products.
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