The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Magicbean
Date: 2022-11-09 13:59
Attachment: IMG_0921.jpg (92k)
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I bought a used bass and this seems a good place to ask if it can be identified.
The bell has 'sold by Boosey & Hawkes' on it. The keywork seems to be nickel and it has a B&H mouthpiece (not sure which one - I guess it was from the original purchase but really no idea). I'm sure if it was an Imperial it would be wood and be a two piece body and say so on the bell?
It's a one-piece body non-wooden body which I think is hard rubber (it doesn't feel like that plastic B&H Regent Bb I used to have, but I don't have the experience to be sure - it seems .... denser - maybe).
The serial number on the bottom of the body is 35890 - if that were a B&H serial number it would make it about 1942 but I have no idea whether that would apply to a 'sold by' model. There appear to be no other markings on the body.
The case looks like it could be from that era too - guess on my part.
(It has been played regularly and seems to play well, all the pads, corks are fine. I took a repair man with me who also checked it over and could play it all the way up to higher than I can get on my Bb without a lot of difficulty).
I am attaching some photos - I have more if I know what detail might be useful.
Any clues as to what it actually is?
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2022-11-09 14:53
It's a Bundy stencil.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Magicbean
Date: 2022-11-09 15:12
Thanks Chris. Is the date right or is it a different numbering from the B&H reeds serial number list? The only Bundy serial number list I keep finding (example at suggests 1918(?)
Do you know where I can find a relevant Bundy Bass Clarinet serial number list?
Thank you.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2022-11-09 15:26
It'll have a different serial number lineage to Bundy (Selmer USA) Bb clarinets which were well into the millions by the mid '80s.
I can only guess it's from the 1970s or maybe the early '80s.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Magicbean
Date: 2022-11-09 19:37
Chris P wrote:
> It'll have a different serial number lineage to Bundy (Selmer USA) Bb clarinets > which were well into the millions by the mid '80s.
> I can only guess it's from the 1970s or maybe the early '80s.
Thanks, Chris.
super20dan wrote:
> yep thats a bundy. looks exactly like mine. still a decent
> enough horn
Good to know, Dan. Thank you.
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Author: super20dan
Date: 2022-11-10 02:51
my bundy bass is also from this era and is perfectly adequate for most playing situations .i use it for rehearsals and outside events. a good mpc really helps disguise the fact thats its a student horn. as long as your pads are in good shape and no leaks -this horn should serve you quite well
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Author: Magicbean
Date: 2022-11-11 03:59
Thanks Dan,
I am enjoying it and have just received a couple of Vandoren mouthpieces on trial. It will be fun finding out how it feels.
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