The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Hunter_100
Date: 2022-09-20 20:16
When I look in the bore of one of my clarinets with a bright light, it is apparent that wood particles are chipped out from the edges of the undercut tone holes. One really big chip stands out to me, but several tone holes have noticeable mouse bites around their perimeters. Given the age of the instrument, I could not say if it was like that from the factory or if it happened over the 50+ years the instrument has been in use. The instrument plays ok to me even with these chips.
What sort of effects do these chips have on the instrument? Would it play better if they were fixed? Can, and should they be repaired? I know chips on the outside of the tone holes are easily filled and flattened but do technicians work inside the bores of clarinets often?
I appreciate any insights from the technicians on the board.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2022-09-20 20:23
I'm NOT a technician but I do know just from watching one put a fine layer of nail polish in the undercutting of an instrument to bring the pitch DOWN, that ANY change in that area WILL create a change in the pitch/performance of those notes. I wouldn't worry about a visual issue if the horn is playing well.
...........Paul Aviles
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