The Clarinet BBoard
Author: b725
Date: 2021-11-14 04:40
I’m looking for an intermediate wooden trumpet for my daughter who’s a freshman in high school; this will be for concert band only. Her teacher recommended a Buffet r13–of course. Also recommended r11 or Selmer.
I was ready to pull the trigger on a Yamaha 400 in excellent condition for $500 but a teacher told my daughter that the Yamaha tone is not as warm as the others, which she prefers.
I know tone is subjective, but a question for the experienced: is the Yamaha 400 a good choice for High School concert band or should I look at Buffet & Selmer? Stores in my area don’t have inventory so there is no way for my daughter to play them so I need a safe option, which based on researching on this forum, would be the Yamaha.
My budget is under $700 and definitely used to get the most for my buck. Any advise would be greatly appreciated!
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Author: Ken Lagace
Date: 2021-11-14 07:08
For a freshman in high school, Yamaha 400 is a great starter. Buffet? Selmer? Maybe in few years if she is a fine advanced student, wanting to go to music school. Concerned about 'warmth'? That is a suspicious answer. A good player can get a 'warm' sound on any instrument.
You say 'wooden trumpet' above. Of course you meant clarinet. But even wood clarinets only might be a good choice later. Many really fine players play on non-wood clarinets and sound great.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2021-11-14 07:39
I second the Yamaha. I have run into a lot of brass playing band directors who say stuff like this. Worse yet are the recommendations like playing on nothing softer than a strength #3 reed or demanding a certain mouthpiece (they parrot what they hear from friends).
I hope you're in to get a private teacher for your daughter and it is from THIS instructor that you should get your best advice on how to play and what equipment will work best. In the end the band director will be too occupied trying to get the group to play in tune and in rhythm to worry about any details that are quite frankly completely irrelevant save for perhaps a very picky orchestral conductor at the very highest professional level.......and even then that's a little much.
................Paul Aviles
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Author: Matt74
Date: 2021-11-14 10:05
An R-13 should not be the "go-to" high school horn. A pro horn can be good for a very advanced player that will be studying music in college. It's not at all necessary. What you want:
1. Excellent playing condition. Generally speaking I wouldn't buy any horn that hasn't been serviced (including new ones) - or without getting it done after you buy it. Stores should do some set-up for all horns they sell.
2. Does the student like the horn? If the player genuinely doesn't like it, go with something they do like. Kids can get hung up on what is supposed to be "good", but they should not be uncomfortable.
3. Did the teacher hear her play the horn in question? Most of the tone comes from the player. The horn matters, but not as much as the player. The playing characteristics (how it responds) are more important.
4. If she is set on a mouthpiece, find a horn that plays in tune with that mouthpiece. If not, pick a horn, and then find a mouthpiece that has good intonation with that particular horn. Take a tuner when trying horns and mouthpieces.
- Matthew Simington
Post Edited (2021-11-14 10:06)
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2021-11-14 18:48
I'd support the Yamaha 400 as well. It's an excellent starter instrument and is good enough to take a student well into their studies. As has been said, a good player with a good mouthpiece can make almost any instrument sound great.
Tony F.
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Author: Ursa
Date: 2021-11-14 21:47
If your daughter has played the Yamaha and likes it, just buy it and be done with it. It's not as if she'll be thrown out of band for showing up with one.
Here in Michigan, Marshall Music has a seemingly limitless supply of lightly-used USA-built Selmer Soloist wooden clarinets and they're delightful when set up properly. Their sonic bouquet is warmer than the Yamaha 400, and you should be able to find one in excellent condition for less than the $500 you're willing to spend on the Yamaha.
The wooden Signet Soloist is the same instrument, but older and some have tuning problems; they absolutely must be tried before purchasing one. It's probably best to get the non-Signet version.
EDIT: There's a plastic version of the Selmer Soloist on the market; if you pursue a Soloist, make sure it's a wooden, made-in-USA version.
Post Edited (2021-11-14 22:02)
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Author: m1964
Date: 2021-11-15 12:41
b725 wrote :
"I’m looking for an intermediate wooden trumpet for my daughter who’s a freshman in high school; this will be for concert band only. Her teacher recommended a Buffet r13–of course. Also recommended r11 or Selmer..."
I am not aware of an R11, but would throw another model for consideration: good used Selmer 10. They may not sound as pretty as Buffet R13, but are very solid clarinets and price wise are within your budget.
I do not think you can even find a used R13 for $700 unless it needs full restoration.
The Selmers have very solid key work and, IMHO, are very good value in used instruments.
Whatever you buy, make sure it will not need any repairs as that may add significantly to its cost.
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Author: b725
Date: 2021-11-16 00:18
Thanks for all of the info. My other daughter played trumpet in band for a few years and I'm can't stop referring to the clarinet as trumpet--just stuck in my head.
My daughter is taking lessons and has only played her Leblanc Vito, an r13 and a few older used clarinets at a local music store.
Would the playability of the Yamaha 400 be similar to a comparably priced Selmer?
I'm leaning towards Yamaha because I'm finding newer ones in excellent condition for decent prices.
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Author: b725
Date: 2021-11-16 00:39
- Matthew Simington
My daughter hasn't had a chance to play a Yamaha so her teacher is just recommending her preferences, which is the r13 or e11. I think she is recommending Selmer partly because the music store that supports the school is a Selmer dealer. Her Vito has key issues so she's currently using an old band clarinet from school--so I'm thinking the Yamaha should be a big improvement.
It's tough these days because the music stores don't have much at all for intermediate clarinets so you can't go out and try anything.
They are having a step-up night in a couples of weeks at her school, which will be all Selmer I would guess. I'll either wait for that so she can try some out or just pull the trigger on the Yamaha 400.
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Author: b725
Date: 2021-11-16 01:39
Found another Yamaha 400 on Reverb and pulled the trigger--they accept returns so I'm only out shipping if she doesn't like it. 2018 in excellent condition; only used for a year and well maintained. Ready to play with new pads and an upgraded mouth piece. Under $500 so we can swap the mouth piece if needed and this should keep her playing.
Thanks for all of the help and advice!
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Author: I want the Legende
Date: 2021-11-18 00:23
The r-13 is a expensive clarinet. I'd suggest you look at used e11s and used yamaha 400s
Post Edited (2021-11-18 00:26)
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Author: Tom H
Date: 2021-11-18 09:24
The Yamaha, or any good new bottom line clarinet is fine for HS playing-- in my opinion as a former band director. I have owned bottom line Yamahas and a Selmer and find them great to practice on. I wouldn't hesitate to play them professionally if my Buffet lost a pad at a concert or rehearsal. If she is going to major in music, particularly in performance, that is a different matter. Then spend the money and go for the Buffet R13. I am not a fan of Intermediate models.
The Most Advanced Clarinet Book-- Sheet Music Plus item A0.1001315, Musicnotes product no. MB0000649.
Boreal Ballad for unaccompanied clarinet-Sheet Music Plus item A0.1001314.
Musicnotes product no. MNO287475
Post Edited (2021-11-18 09:25)
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