The Clarinet BBoard
Author: clarimad
Date: 2021-11-13 02:00
Where can I obtain end rings? I need two for a barrel, one for a bottom joint and another for the bell. I hope to get four smooth rings that are not scalloped. They're for a vintage Noblet Bb.
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Author: jdbassplayer
Date: 2021-11-13 02:04
They aren't interchangeable between different brands or often even instruments of the same make or model so you will have to take detailed measurements and see if any techs might have them in their junk collection. For smooth ones you will have to commission someone to turn them from scratch and send them out to be plated.
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Author: SunnyDaze
Date: 2021-11-13 02:26
Is that something that could be 3D printed more cheaply by someone with the right kind of printer? I know our local hospital prints metal parts. I've no idea what it costs though.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2021-11-13 13:38
What you're looking for are called socket rings.
How vintage is the Noblet?
If it's a Leblanc-built one, then you can use Vito socket rings. You'll still have to fit them so they're secure as they probably won't be a perfect fit.
Or you could have them machined from either solid nickel silver stock or thick walled nickel silver if they're unplated, or machined from brass and either nickel or silver plated. Or formed from 2.5mm thick sheet metal bent into a ring shape, silver soldered/brazed at the join, then machined both inside and out to the required dimensions and profiles if the originals were made like that as they often were on vintage clarinets.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: clarimad
Date: 2021-11-13 16:21
It's a 4 digit plateau which is likely 1940/50s.
Hope that helps.
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