The Clarinet BBoard
Author: clarimad
Date: 2021-11-11 01:01
Any tips on how to remove dried-on crud from the body from a 60 year old wooden clarinet body?
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Author: donald
Date: 2021-11-11 02:39
I grew up trying to keep wooden clarinets AWAY from water, so was quite surprised to see a very respected repair shop immerse wooden clarinet bodies in water (after removing all keys etc), but another repair person I know (who trained with Schreiber making instruments) also does this, before scraping all crud off, drying and oiling the wood (he actually immerses the wood in oil under pressure so you see little air bubbles come out of the wood, fascinating).
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Author: John Peacock
Date: 2021-11-11 14:14
I have done this successfully using silver polish wadding ("Silvo" in the UK). This is extremely light abrasive in oil, which cleans the wooden surface and leaves it nicely shiny.
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2021-11-13 17:44
I use a fairly soft bottle brush and warm water with some dishwashing solution. I follow this with air-drying and a good oiling. It's worked well for me. I use cotton buds in the tone holes.
Tony F.
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