The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Jimis4klar
Date: 2021-10-26 23:34
Basically about the black M/O and black Optimum.What is this black material??
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Author: Hugues Fardao
Date: 2021-10-26 23:54
I suppose it's a classical metal ligature, just painted black instead of silver or gold plated. I play Black M/O because I think it's more discreet and elegant.
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Author: Bob Barnhart ★2017
Date: 2021-10-27 00:36
I agree about the black M/O and bought the black optimum for a similar reason.
However, where the black M/O has a “painted” finish, the black Optimum has more like a thin, anodized finish (as opposed the the plated finishes of the other Optimum models).
This causes the black Optimum to yield a different tone quality. It is a bit more covered and seems to help my BD4 produce a rounder, warmer sound than when I play it with my silver plated Optimum. However on a mouthpiece like the BD5, this quality may be less desirable.
I have not tried the Rose-Gold Optimum, so I can’t compare it to that.
FWIW, I prefer the feel/sound of the plate with the 4 dots best. For me, the horizontal ribs yield a more open, vibrant sound, and the vertical (Bonade) ribs yield the most dense sound.
Bob Barnhart
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Author: m1964
Date: 2021-10-27 22:06
Jimis4klar wrote:
"Basically about the black M/O and black Optimum.What is this black material?"
Looks like high quality paint/laquer.
I tried black, silver and gold finish MO's, and both my teacher and I liked the black over other two. I play VD B40 13 on Buffet.
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Author: Jimis4klar
Date: 2021-10-31 12:35
Thanks guys! I just mentioned the black M/O and Optimum because they're more popular. Me recently got the black old two screw Masters and It's a really amazing ligature!! I also have the pink gold M/O but Masters is way better!!
Post Edited (2021-10-31 12:36)
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Author: donald
Date: 2021-10-31 16:45
I used a sharpie pen to paint my optimum ligature black.
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Author: Jimis4klar
Date: 2021-11-01 11:32
Basically, they shouldn't bring the M/O, ever!! They should just continue having the Masters on the market.. M/O is so worse, I couldn't believe It! Cause the design is so similar, yet big difference in response and playing.. Other difference is, the material is flimsy on the Masters and solid on the M/O.. So, If you have Masters, be careful, It bends very easily!
Post Edited (2021-11-01 11:36)
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Author: Max S-D
Date: 2021-11-02 07:09
A kind of silly shipping situation led to me having two M/O clarinet ligatures at the same time, both gold lacquered, supposedly identical. They weren't. Each played a little differently.
I doubt vandoren makes ligatures consistently enough to chalk up differences between any two examples to paint, lacquer or plating. The M/O design in particular seems potentially extra sensitive to manufacturing discrepancies since there's nowhere in the design to compensate like in the optimum (free floating reed plate) or the old Master's lig (two screws, extremely soft metal).
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