The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Bryceb87
Date: 2021-09-26 07:21
I was going thru the belongings of a late friend and came across a beautiful clarinet in great condition. After further inspection I found it to be a Buescher 740 model. I cleaned it up using vinegar and wanted to sell it. It basically needs new pads and it would be in full working order. My question is, what platform would be best to sell it on and what is a fair asking price? Thank you everybody
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Author: SunnyDaze
Date: 2021-09-26 09:59
Hi Bryce,
If you are near a city, it might be best to take it to a music shop or dealer that sells secondhand woodwind instruments. The new owner will ideally want to try the instrument, and that is the best way to bring that about.
We just sold a horn that way and it sold within a few short months and made a lot of money. Much more I think than if we'd sold it on ebay.
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