The Clarinet BBoard
Author: cgilmartin
Date: 2021-06-01 23:55
Hi I own a B&H wooden Emperor clarinet. i've had it for 30 years and it was bought second hand so it's older than that. I'd love to know a bit more about it. If anyone has any information I don't know much about it's history. It tends to play sharp and the throat notes are particularly out. I changed the mouthpiece to a Vandoren M30 as i thought it might play easier. the throat notes seem to be more out of tune since doing so. The serial number is 573570. I think this might date it to around the 1950s. I'm sentimentally attached to it as i've had it so long but really i'm wondering should i be upgrading!! thanks in asvance for any info
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Author: graham
Date: 2021-06-02 01:10
If you look at the right hand pinkie keys, are the underside surfaces hollowed out or are they flat?
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2021-06-02 01:54
573570 is from around 1984 which is fairly late in their production as they ceased making clarinets not long after that. The undersides of the LH levers on one this recent should have elongated hollows (rectangular with rounded ends) on them.
If you're using a barrel shorter than the stock 67mm barrel (barrels marked 'SHORT' are 62mm), then they will play sharp and especially sharp in the throat notes. You're best using a 67mm barrel and also pulling it out between 1mm to 2mm to put it in tune with itself.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
Post Edited (2021-06-02 01:56)
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2021-06-02 12:54
These tend to tune a bit erratically using some Vandoren mouthpieces. Not all, as I have one that tunes very well with a B45. I found the tuning much improved with an original B & H 926 mouthpiece. The B & H mouthpiece comes in 3 flavours and are marked as 1, 2 or 3 lay. This refers to the tip opening and the facing curve. Most people find the 2 works well, but your mileage may vary.
Tony F.
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Author: cgilmartin
Date: 2021-06-02 14:36
Thanks for that the barrel i have is 65mm which i usually pull out at bit - is that good enough or should i buy a 67mm. I do have the original mouthpiece it's signed y Jack Brymer - anyone know who he is or was? I bought hte new vandoren mouthpiece as i thought after 30 years it was prob time for anew one but i didn't consider the make of the clarinet which was prob a bit remiss. I just went with a recommendation from a fellow player for the M50. Maybe i should revert back tothe original mouthpiece.
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Author: cgilmartin
Date: 2021-06-02 14:52
Hi Tony I have a B1 mouthpiece signed by Jack Brymer I'm reading B1 is for 1010 clarinet and Emperor is 926 you any knowledge on that/ I'm trying establish if the original mouthpiece which i#ve been playing all along is the wrong one for the instrument (i bought it second hand). As i might revert back to it if it is better with the Emperor thatn the new M50 mouthpiece i recently bought.
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Author: graham
Date: 2021-06-02 15:33
As Chris P says, the hollowed keys are from the later period (probably starting circa 1975). At this time the story emerged that B&H deliberately sharpened the instruments because the poorer players to which they appealed couldn’t play up to pitch on a good instrument. This (amongst other things) led to reputation problems.
I had one of these. The sound was good but it was otherwise poor. When I saw Brymer one time, I said I “only” had an Emperor, but he was emphatic that it was a good instrument. But he was probably thinking of the ones predating these changes.
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Author: cgilmartin
Date: 2021-06-02 16:46
Thank you both for answering. It definitley plays sharp. I'm kinda sentimentally attached to it and don't want to part with it. I might try and source a longer barrel to improve it. I think from reading on it the mouthpiece that came with it which is a B1 isn't actually for the emperor as its a 925 and the B1 is for a 1010 instrument. I have bought a new mouthpiece a vandoren M50 and i think it's even sharper since i started using it. If anyone can recommend the best course of action to get the right mouthpiece and barrel i'd love to hear!! Either that or it might be time for a new clarinet!
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Author: Jeroen
Date: 2021-06-02 17:02
Find yourself a B&H 926 or 593 mouthpiece or similar bored mpc from a custom mouthpiece maker in the UK. Try it with your barrel pulled out 2 mm. Still too high in pitch than find a longer Emperor barrel, there are plenty of them.
If you want a new Vandoren mpc take one of the '13' series as they play lower in pitch. From my experience: the new BD4 does very well on the Emperor and it comes in a series 13 version.
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Author: graham
Date: 2021-06-02 18:36
I would only add that a 593 is acoustically suitable but low quality. Indeed, switching to a good 926 mouthpiece was the recognised way to upgrade from what came with the instrument.
A ‘13’ is also a good idea, and perhaps easier to source.
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Author: smokindok
Date: 2021-06-02 20:27
There is a 926 mouthpiece languishing in my “garage sale” post in the for sale section. If you are interested in trying the 926 route and can’t find anything local, send an email and I can send you photos. Price is very negotiable Would have to look into postal rates.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2021-06-02 20:49
If you're looking for a replacement 67mm barrel, then a Regent or Edgware barrel can be used as they have the same bore as the Emperor. Only the socket rings will be different and the Regent one will be plastic, either made of bakelite or ABS depending on its age.
There were some plastic Emperors made which were essentially Regents but with silver plated keys and scalloped socket rings as Emperors have.
Imperial 926 barrels will also work as they also have the same bore/tonehole layout, but the socket rings are flat-sided (like the 1010) and are much taller than the others as well as the barrels often being much wider in diameter.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2021-06-03 07:42
I have one of the Jack Brymer mouthpieces. I find it is a very poor player and in no way comparable to the B & H mouthpieces. Some years ago they got a mention in this forum and I seem to remember that Jack Brymer was disappointed with them, as what was produced wasn't much like what he approved.
Tony F.
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