The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Wallack202
Date: 2020-12-28 09:01
I am looking to program a recital that has music from different around the world. I heard Notturno by Giulio Bonnard and really loved it but could not find the music. I was wondering if anyone had any knowledge of it and how to get it? Or if there are any other suggestions for Italian clarinet pieces?
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2020-12-28 17:57
Though Giulio Bonnard was known primarily as a film composer, he wrote 3 pieces for clarinet and piano, Valzer da Concerto, Notturno, and Rondo (1937). Italian clarinetist Sergio Bossi recorded all three on his Naxos CD album Italian Clarinet Gems (Naxos 8.572690, issued in 2011). Bossi, who publishes editions of Italian clarinet music through the Italian Music Corner enterprise, would probably know where to obtain a copy of the Notturno. Try contacting him on Facebook to see if he can help.
Post Edited (2020-12-29 04:35)
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Author: fbjacobo
Date: 2020-12-29 00:46
Hard as nails, but good: Castelnuovo-Tedesco Sonata. If you can get a trio together, Trio by Nino Rota for Cl., Vln., Pno. It's a 12 on a scale of 10.
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Author: nellsonic
Date: 2020-12-29 01:44
The Rota is for clarinet, cello (not violin) and piano. It's very popular with audiences and with some musicians. I've performed it. It's well crafted but a bit lightweight for my taste. Certainly worth playing if you have the opportunity.
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Author: Wallack202
Date: 2021-01-01 01:49
Thank you all for the suggestions. I will for sure check those pieces out. I will also try contacting Mr. Bossi as well.
Thanks again,
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