The Clarinet BBoard
Author: seabreeze
Date: 2020-12-21 02:05
Gandolfi, a professor at the New England Conservatory, wrote this clarinet concerto, "The Nature of Light," in 2013 for Laura Ardan of the Atlanta Symphony. He said it was the "fraternal twin" of another composition, "QED," he was working on at the same time that was inspired by the American physicist Richard Feynman. The concerto builds on the dichotomy between two different conceptions of light, first as waves, and then as particles. In this video performance by Vera Karner, the Waves part continues from the beginning to around 10:07. Around 10:08 the Particles section commences and continues until the end. The Particles section becomes particularly noteworthy when the clarinet is left alone in a cadenza that suggests the movement (at the subatomic level) of massless photons or bundles of light. For fans of quantum physics as well as music and the clarinet.
Vera Karner is new to me. She seems to be playing a Viennese clarinet. Does anyone know more about her?
Post Edited (2020-12-21 09:54)
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Author: jim sclater
Date: 2020-12-21 06:55
What a wonderful new addition to the clarinet literature! The harmonic language is exciting and accessible; a real pleasure to hear. Ms. Karner did a beautiful job with the work; the orchestra was top-notch, also. Thanks for introducing this fine work to me. Anyone know if this has been recorded?
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Author: Christopher Bush
Date: 2020-12-22 05:11
So nice to hear this! Actually, I gave the premiere of the first movement before the concerto was written. At that time, it was just called "Anthem" and I played it with the Glens Falls Symphony in March of 2010. It's so nice to hear that it has additional movements and is getting played. Thank you!
Christopher Bush
Prof. of Clarinet - NYU
Princ. Clarinet - Glens Falls Symphony, Metro Chamber Orchestra
Director - NYU Composers Ensemble
Post Edited (2020-12-22 05:13)
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