The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Feliped80
Date: 2020-11-13 13:35
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Hi everyone and hope you all doing well.
So recently bought another mouthpiece at a bargain price that I couldn’t resist and it’s a Selmer B* for the Bb clarinet. I’ve tried on here and few other sites but could not come up with any detail on these. Does anyone here knows anything on these mouthpieces as to year of manufacturing and if they are of any value ?
So far I’m very pleased with it and will be using it as my main mouthpiece.
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2020-11-13 20:31
This vintage B* was fairly popular in the 1960s, though not as much as the HS* and HS** Selmers of the same vintage. As I recall, the B* facing is close, just a little above 1.00 mm at the tip--a little more open than a Reserve X0 or Vandoren M13. The facing designation dates back to older vintage Selmer mouthpieces from the 40s and 50s as well, including the models with the oval S on the table and perhaps the "table" models as well.
Your vintage B* is fairly commonplace and usually sells for about $40-60 on the auction web sites. For several decades in the US (40s, 50s, 60s), Selmers were probably the most widely used clarinet mouthpiece, followed by crystal O'Briens, Vandorens, and Kaspars.
Post Edited (2020-11-14 04:41)
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Author: claralot
Date: 2020-11-13 21:13
There is a table 3/4 of the way down the page.
Some info here as well.
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Author: Ursa
Date: 2020-11-13 21:19
The B* is the slightly-more-open sibling of the HS*. If the facing is in good shape, I think you'll be very pleased with it.
I started with an HS* and it's still one of my favorites. It's unusually stable and easy to play in the altissimo, and holds its tonal character at any dynamic. The B* should share these fine qualities.
It's worth noting that the HS* was included with some Signet and many Selmer Paris clarinets. If they weren't, I'd wager that we'd see a higher percentage of other models extant today.
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Author: Feliped80
Date: 2020-11-14 03:00
Thank you all for the information provided.
So far very pleased with it as I only paid £16 for this and still surprised on how well it plays.
It’s always nice knowing a little history about the equipment your using
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