The Clarinet BBoard
Author: ruben
Date: 2020-11-01 21:24
There exists a long-running radio programme on Radio 4 in Britain on which the guest presents and speaks about the eight discs he will be allowed during his unlimited stay stranded on a desert island. What would be your clarinet disc? Mine: Yona Ettlinger with the Tel Aviv Quartet playing the Brahms Clarinet Quintet. Tony Pay playing the Mozart Concerto would come a close second, but I am only allowing one clarinet disc on this island. Your
picks please? PS: I am not stranded on a desert island, but locked-down, which is very similar.
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2020-11-01 21:52
I have to agree that Yona Ettlinger was one of the most musical clarinetists ever.
His Brahms sonatas and trio are great too. But to have to pick just one clarinet disc? I don't know. There are maybe a dozen or so I could throw on the table as finalists and then maybe just close my eyes and pick one. I would not be disappointed if it turned out to be an Ettlinger.
Post Edited (2020-11-01 21:55)
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Author: badreed73
Date: 2020-11-02 01:20
Funny, I was just about to ask people about their favorite Mozart concerto recordings! As for Brahms Quintet, I always loved Michele Zukovsky and the Sequoia Quartet. It holds a special significance for me because it's the first recording I heard as a teenager that really had an impact on me. I agree, the Ettlinger Brahms is wonderful. I also love the Arngunnur Árnadóttir Mozart concerto with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra which happens to come up first for me on youtube right now...
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