The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Djudy
Date: 2020-10-28 22:08
I have just gotten a Selmer N series plateau clarinet (with a BT register insert) back from a repad and was delighted with the sound until, after about an hour of playing (not too strenously and in G so I may not have caught it right off when I started) the F4 seemed to collapse and became weaker, sharper and more and more breathy. The E4 is strong and the contrast is a shock. I've heard stories of that 'one bad note' but this is more than bad, its like it's got cotton wool in the chimney.
As we are probably going to be 'locked down' again here in France I may not be able to get it back to the repair person for a while. Any ideas on what could be causing this? It's a bit better with the L ring finger down simultaneously, to help seal the small chimney under the A4 but it's not enough. Thanks for any DIY suggestions that don't require taking anything apart as I'm not able to do that.
And stay safe all !
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Author: kdk
Date: 2020-10-28 23:14
I'm curious, not having seen a plateau clarinet in decades - how is the E4 (LH index finger) tone hole vented when you play F4? On an open-hole instrument, the finger just comes off. But the ring stays down because it's linked to the thumb F4 ring, so I'm not sure how the LH 1st tone hole opens.
I ask because I would suspect first that your stuffy F has something to do with the way the E hole is vented when it's open. Or, if there's a plateau in the thumb ring, that pad could also be leaking a little (maybe not level), and when your index finger is pressing on the opposite side you're closing the thumb more firmly than when you're only pressing with your thumb.
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Author: Luuk
Date: 2020-10-29 13:38
From your description I expect the pad under the A is not closing enough while your left thumb closes the tone hole at the underside. Check the joint between the bottom tone hole part and the cup under the A (at the right side of the body). Many clarinets have a slice of cork glued between the two metal parts of this joint in order to reduce noise. This cork may have come off, leaving the hole under the A key a little open while it should be closed.
Probably the pads are 'seating' themselves. When new, they are flat but after a while they develop ring-like impressions where they press on the chimneys. This can create micro leaks, especially when two pads are involved: one may be impressed more than the other.
After a repadding, especially a complete one, the repair person should offer a free service after a short period. He or she should check the seating and correct when necessary.
Philharmonie Brainport
The Netherlands
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Author: donald
Date: 2020-10-29 15:27
Also check for a spring that has popped out of its saddle... So a key is lowering rather than being held open...
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Author: kdk
Date: 2020-10-29 17:11
For anyone with experience with plateau keys - how does the LH 1 plateau work when you lift the index finger to play F4? On a clarinet with open rings, that ring stays down (linked as it is to the pad under the A key, which needs to stay closed for F4). With a covered hole, it can't stay down, or it would still sound E4. Is it mounted on a separate sleeve (with its own spring) around the standard pivot rod?
Also, (to go off on a slight tangent), how do other covered holes work that must open independently when on open-holed clarinets the analogous rings are attached to a single pivot rod (e.g. the whole RH stack)? They must be individually hinged and sprung.
I've read posts from people who ask about converting open holes by simply inserting plateaus (plateaux) into the open rings, but it can't be that simple. The mechanism must be very different.
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Author: donald
Date: 2020-10-29 18:57
Just read this more carefully, and I'd say Luuk might have it, clues being 1) the f is sharp and 2)the e is fine (with index finger down)
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Author: Tony F
Date: 2020-10-30 11:49
On a standard Boehm clari the l/h F ring is physically linked to the pad under the A key and operates with it, and these can also both be operated by the thumb ring.
On a plateau clari the l/h F ring is not directly connected to the pad under the A key although they share the same pivot rod. There is a small projection on the pad below the A key which sits under the arm of the F ring. This allows the F key to operate the pad under the A but does not allow the thumb ring to operate the F ring. The pad under the A key has its own spring.
See pics.
Edit. Unable to load pics.
Tony F.
Post Edited (2020-10-30 11:54)
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Author: kdk
Date: 2020-10-30 16:52
Tony F wrote:
> Pics for above post.
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Author: Djudy
Date: 2020-10-30 20:38
Thank you Luuk and Tony F for all this useful information ! I've been slow to get back, distracted by other pressing matters and also have to admit that I do not have the vocabulary and my brain just doesn't 'map' either clarinet well enough to be very precise on this.
Be that as it may, when I got back to looking at the plateau again, I found the 2-piece link that activates the tiny padded vent under A4 when the Lthumb is applied. Apparently there is the tiniest difference there in pad seating when playing F4 and E4 , the later being more closed. E4 blasts right out and F4 collapses and wheezes. I slipped a 90 wt strip of paper between the 2 pieces, one of which is corked, and could play a decent F4 until it wiggled and fell out. So it looks like that tiny pad micro leak is the problem.
We are in 'soft' Covid-19 lockdown in France now so this won't get back to the luthier any time soon but I'm reassured that the problem seems to be only a minor adjustement. I like the boomie old time radio broadcast sound the instrument produces. And it's very tempting because you can play 'sloppy' and it still works ! I'm going to save it for desert so as not to encourage my bad habits
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Author: Djudy
Date: 2020-10-30 20:47
here is the 2 piece link from left thumb to the pad under A4 (note this joint is held unmounted in the right hand for the purpose of taking the photo)
Post Edited (2020-10-30 20:48)
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