The Clarinet BBoard
Author: SarahC
Date: 2016-01-25 00:55
Hi everyone, my son broke my vandoren mouthpiece (B45)...
So I will try and get a new mouthpiece today. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with the jodyjazz or the pomerico crystals and what do u think?
Thanks in advance!
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2016-01-25 18:28
Didn't know Jody made clarinet mouthpieces. His sax mouthpieces (basically modified Otto Links) are well regarded in the saxophone community.
I've played (and still play) many Pomarico crystals, on Eb, Bb soprano and alto and bass clarinets, as well as alto and tenor saxes. Sometimes they play stuffy out of the box, but other times they're fine right from the factory. I generally reface my own, to make them work right for me, and because I can -- not too many people reface crystal mouthpieces, but like any other stock mouthpiece they can usually be improved by 'informed' tweaking.
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Author: MartyMagnini
Date: 2016-01-26 00:17
I agree with David - I own and play several Pomarico (for jazz and legit playing), and I like them, but they are very inconsistent out of the box. If you get 3 mouthpieces the same, they will all play differently. When you find a good one, it's a keeper. I'm currently using a "wizard" model recommended to me by Corrado Giufreddi. He sounds much better on it than I do, but I like it anyway 
Here's a link to him playing one:
Post Edited (2016-01-26 08:47)
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Author: Bob Bernardo
Date: 2016-01-26 07:37
I stopped by Jody's booth at the NAMM Convention. I didn't see any clarinet mouthpieces. His sax models looked really clean. Quality workmanship.
Designer of - Vintage 1940 Cicero Mouthpieces and the La Vecchia mouthpieces
Yamaha Artist 2015
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Author: SarahC
Date: 2016-01-28 01:37
They are listed on the site, and available here in Oz, so I will definitely have to try them out on Friday then!
I wish I knew how to reface a mouthpiece!
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Author: fuzzystradjazz
Date: 2016-01-28 02:22
I own several Pomerico mouthpieces and love them. They do play slightly different from one another, but pretty evenly overall. While I almost exclusively play jazz, I do play the late 1800s/early 1900s (non jazz) hymns in a small group on Sundays. To me, the mouthpieces produce a great tone/quality which fits perfectly into the small "hymn" group, as well as a lively trad jazz band.
Best of luck in your search for a new favorite mouthpiece - whichever one you end up choosing!
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Author: emmett1235
Date: 2016-01-28 18:31
Does anyone know how to get in contact with mouthpiece manufacturers to get trial mouthpieces before you buy? My professor here has had some luck with that, but not much. I feel like I'm out-growing my Gigliotti.
Northern and Southern Indiana
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Author: Mojo
Date: 2016-01-28 19:45
Jody Jazz started out selling modified Runyons under his own name, not Links. His clarinet mouthpiece was from Runyon. I do not think he sells one anymore.
All of his current line for sax mouthpieces are his own design. He makes some of them in-house.
Mojo Mouthpiece Work LLC
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Author: SarahC
Date: 2016-01-29 10:38
I tried the jody jazz, but found the intonation fluttere too easily. Or the notes bended, not sure how to describe. Ended up buying the 5RV, it was a hard toss up between that and the m30. (vandoren)
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