The Clarinet BBoard
Author: ClariYES
Date: 2015-12-02 00:04
I know there's the Artie Shaw Concerto and the Copland Concerto was for Goodman but do you guys know of any other pieces that were inspired or written for jazz clarinet players like that?
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Author: nbclarinet
Date: 2015-12-02 01:32
Bernstein's Prelude, Fugue, Riffs, ...... It was commissioned by Woody Herman, but premiered by Benny Goodman
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Author: MarlboroughMan
Date: 2015-12-03 22:48
Milhaud Concerto (Goodman)
Hindemith Concerto (Goodman)
Bartok's Contrasts (Goodman)
Malcom Arnold 2nd Concerto (Goodman)
Gould's Derivations for Clarinet and Band (Goodman)
Poulenc Sonata (Goodman)
Copland Concerto (Goodman)
Stravinsky Ebony Concerto (Woody Herman)
Bernstein Prelude, Fugue, and Riffs (Goodman or Herman...)
Calandrelli Concerto (Eddie Daniels)
Ashmore's Four Seasons (Richard Stoltzman)
If you consider Richard Stoltzman a jazz clarinetist (which is certainly one of the things he's done in his varied career) the list is quite long for his commissions. Among them are some really great pieces:
McKinley Sonata and several Concerti
Englund Concerto
Foss Concerto many many more...
William O. Smith is a composer and jazz clarinetist, whose recordings with Dave Brubeck are incredible and highly recommended. He also wrote "legit" pieces, including a Concerto and solo pieces for clarinet alone.
That's a my opinion, most of the great 20th century repertoire was either written for or directly inspired by jazz clarinetists. Amazing, really.
The Jazz Clarinet
Post Edited (2015-12-03 22:53)
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Author: Jack Kissinger
Date: 2015-12-14 06:37
Gordon Jenkins' Clarinet Concerto for Benny Goodman.
Not for clarinet and orchestra but Morton Gould's "Benny's Gig" for clarinet and string bass.
Best regards,
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Author: claaaaaarinet!!!!
Date: 2016-01-28 16:38
You reference the Jenkins Concerto. Do you (or does anyone else) know if it is in print? For sale, rental?
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Author: Jack Kissinger
Date: 2016-01-28 21:34
I suspect it is long out-of-print. You might get lucky and find an old copy in a brick-and-mortar music store's wall stock. But I wouldn't hold my breath. From a quick internet search, I find that Leeds Music Corporation published the concerto in 1977. There is a piano reduction by Jenkins, also published by Leeds. Your best bet for obtaining the piano reduction is probably the International Clarinet Association's collection of scores at the University of Maryland library. The catalog lists it as available. If you are a member of ICA, you can have it sent to you on loan. You might also be able to borrow a copy (though probably not the ICA's) through interlibrary loan.
As far as the orchestral score and parts are concerned, if they are available at all, they are probably rental only -- possibly from the Universal Music Publishing Group, the current descendant of the organization (MCA) that acquired Leeds.
Best regards,
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2016-01-28 22:43
Nicholas Berezowsky adapted his Concerto for Viola to clarinet for Artie Shaw, who premiered it with the Denver Symphony. Shaw recorded The Berezowsky Concerto for Clarinet in Bb at Carnegie Hall in 1948 with the National Youth Orchestra, Leon Barzin conducting.
Incidently, Shaw also recorded his own arrangements of Debussy's Petite Piece and Ravel's Piece En Forme De Habanera, though they were not written for him. These are available on "The Artistry of Artie Shaw" CD (Metronome Series Hep Records
Gary M Schneider wrote his Concerto for Jazz Clarinet and String Orchestra for Perry Robinson. YouTube has a performance of this peice by Robinson.
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Author: Bob Bernardo
Date: 2016-01-29 03:18
Copland, with Eddie Danials is very cool. Free on YouTube.
Designer of - Vintage 1940 Cicero Mouthpieces and the La Vecchia mouthpieces
Yamaha Artist 2015
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