The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Nzb2018
Date: 2015-06-26 23:42
I'm currently going into 10th grade and I live in Memphis, TN. I'm currently shopping for a professional clarinet, and my parents hope to keep the cost $4000 and below (preferably below). I was 9th chair all state and want something to get me to first lol. My private teacher has a Leblanc by Backun Symphonie clarinet upgraded with MOBA cocobolo barrel and bell that I absolutely love. I would buy it but it's the only one I've tried. My teacher is kinda biased to backun and Leblanc but I enjoy the sound of buffet, though I do want to stray away from the "Buffet Mafia". I would love some recommendations of where I should go to try some and some good instruments to try in my parents budget. Thank you!
Post Edited (2015-06-27 01:45)
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Author: Mcrill
Date: 2015-06-27 00:44
I don't know what they have in stock, but Amro Music in Memphis is listed by Backun as a dealer, and they probably carry other brands as well.
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Author: Nzb2018
Date: 2015-06-27 01:03
Amro is my go to music store but their clarinets are overpriced (Buffet R13 for $5,500)
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Author: James S
Date: 2015-06-27 01:40
These guys will rock your world
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Author: fskelley
Date: 2015-06-27 02:02
It will not hurt or cost you to try this instrument. And it may be the best choice you ever made. Though there is the possibility your teacher might implode, not usually a good thing.
Search here on BBoard for "Libertas" and get an earful.
Stan in Orlando
EWI 4000S with modifications
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Author: pewd
Date: 2015-06-27 04:24
"want something to get me to first"
New equipment won't help with this goal, only hard work.
- Paul Dods
Dallas, Texas
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2015-06-27 07:04
If you want to try something a bit new on the scene, there are the Uebel clarinet selections. The model next to the top (the Preference) is an amazing horn on all counts particularly resonance AND intonation. But all the Uebel's feature all white leather pads and thick solid silver plating. I think the Preference is selling for around $2,800. At that price it's a STEAL.
.............Paul Aviles
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Author: JHowell
Date: 2015-06-27 07:11
The only Hanson I've tried is a rosewood instrument that a student's clueless parents brought back for her from a vacation in the UK. They thought they were bringing her a tremendous gift because it was expensive, but it was unplayable. It seems possible that some music store sold them an instrument that couldn't be sold to anyone else, but I've never encountered another clarinet of any other brand that had such a vastly uneven resistance. I can't necessarily condemn the brand based on such a small sample, but I couldn't recommend it, either.
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Author: clarinetguy ★2017
Date: 2015-06-27 23:49
Before you do any shopping, thank your parents! They're willing to buy you a new clarinet, and they're paying for private lessons. If you don't already do it, maybe you could take out the garbage, mow the lawn, clean out the garage, or make dinner.
You should be able to get something very nice for under $4,000, including a new R-13. I'm surprised that your local music store is so expensive, so check around for other local Buffet dealers. It might be worth looking for a used Buffet. Some are quite good, and with a new mouthpiece, you might be pleasantly surprised.
Keep in mind that many local music dealers don't stock a large supply of professional instruments because there's limited demand for them. I try to support these businesses, but if you have limited choices, you can always check out places like Muncy Winds, Weiner Music, Woodwind Brasswind, or Kessler.
Yamaha clarinets are worth a look, although you might have to order online. I've had students who have played the 450 and 650 (an entry-level pro model), and both are excellent clarinets that retail for under $2,000. I don't have personal experience with the CSV or SEV (both are in the $2,800 range), but I've heard very nice things about them. In fact, John Bruce Yeh of the Chicago Symphony uses the SEV.
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Author: Nzb2018
Date: 2015-06-28 00:04
clarinetguy wrote:
> Yamaha clarinets are worth a look, although you might have to
> order online.
Is there any way I can try one of these out?
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Author: clarinetguy ★2017
Date: 2015-06-28 05:07
To answer your question about shopping for a Yamaha clarinet:
There's probably a Yamaha dealer in your area, but it might not stock these
higher-end clarinets. You can ask about bringing in some for you to try, but it's quite possible they won't. Your best bet is to contact Weiner Music or Woodwind Brasswind. I'm not familiar with their trial policies, but I think both stores offer this option.
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Author: MichaelW
Date: 2015-06-28 17:12
F.G.Uebel had his workshop at Wohlhausen and partly worked for and with Oskar Oehler. Instruments marked F.G.Uebel sometimes are offered at the auction site, but not so much sought after. His more prominent son F.Arthur Uebel in 1936 opened his own workshop at Markneukirchen. He won great reputation (Enrico Weller: "Erste Adresse des deutschen Klarinettenbaus", "First name in German clarinet manufacture", Rohrblatt 8, 1993) and died in 1963. The FAUe- clarinets from that era (ca.#8000 to #17800) are excellent as I can tell from own experience.
Then the workshop was taken over by a GDR collective, later on state owned, and the quality, with some exceptions, decreased (my son owns a fine set from 1984, top model 700, especially marked as "Artist's instrument").
After the end of GDR (1990) the brand was continued under varied private ownerships. Today it belongs to the Arnold Stölzel company from Wiesbaden, Germany. They offer a wide range of models which they say are continuously improved. They seem to be back in Markneukirchen for some time now, with their top models and final checks at least, and are entering the US market:
( )
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Author: Nzb2018
Date: 2015-06-28 22:18
So in my original post I mentioned the Leblanc by Backun Symphonie upgraded with MOBA cocobolo barrel and bell. Have any of you had experience with this clarinet? (My teacher is selling it for $3500 with his mouthpiece he designed and a Rovner Versa Ligature)
Post Edited (2015-06-28 22:22)
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Author: James S
Date: 2015-06-28 22:29
I've played it; it's pretty good, though it certainly wouldn't work for me. The alt C#/G# touchpiece is a nice addition, as is the low F arm. Interestingly though, it's in addition to the crow's foot rather than in lieu of. It'll be hard to find one; and those I have found were being sold for over $6000 (for that price you can have Schwenk & Seggelke make you an incredible horn).
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Author: Nzb2018
Date: 2015-06-30 07:42
Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions I have narrowed my decision beteer the Leblanc by Backun symphonie or a Yamaha csv
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Author: James S
Date: 2015-06-30 08:56
Have you tried the Yamaha CSG? It's a personal fave of mine, though it's a bit different than the other models you've expressed interest in. The CSV is totally under-appreciated. It has a very nice Buffet "ring" to the sound while maintaining an even scale and a comfortable resistance (at least by my idea of comfort). Also, they're only $2800 or so! I honestly didn't know they were so inexpensive. They're a much safer bet than trying to find a NOS (new old-stock) instrument (since the Symphonie model hasn't been produced in years).
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Author: sax panther
Date: 2015-06-30 16:24
re Hanson instruments - I haven't tried any of their clarinets (although I'd love to!) but I've had two of their saxophones. An SA5 alto which I had for around 7 years, then an SA8 alto which I've had for about a year and a half I think - I really like it. I had two sent to me, and kept the one which I preferred. The 5 year servicing is great (although will be less of a bargain shipping-wise if you're in the USA!) and they also do a full price part exchange if you're upgrading from one of their other models (again, not so much of a selling point if you're going straight in at professional level). Alistair and his colleagues are friendly, relaxed and knowledgable people to deal with. One of the reasons I'd like to try their T6 clarinets is the different bore configurations that they offer - would really like to add a big bore instrument to my collection at some point.
Clarinet-wise, I haven't played Leblanc/Backun symphonie, but I do have a Backun moba bell in cocobolo which I use on both my Leblanc Opus and Buffet R13, I like it very much. Haven't tried the moba barrel - I have a fatboy which I use sometimes.
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