The Clarinet BBoard
Author: nata
Date: 2015-06-11 02:53
Hello all!
I have been looking at various clarinet mouthpieces over the months, including:
-Gennusa GE Excellente
-Vandoren M30D
-Vandoren M30 (?)
-D'addario x0
-Grabner's Kaspar-style
-Fobes San Francisco/Europa/CWF/Nova
-Various others that I can not think of
Are there stores in the belt from Charlotte, NC, to Washington, DC, to Philadelphia, PA, to New York City, NY, that stock many, if not all of the above mouthpieces that I just named?
I am looking for stores that carry a combination of custom-made and industry-made mouthpieces, so I can try them out on site, and possibly buy.
I know that most stores in my area (south carolina) do not even offer these, but I think that maybe New York City might be a game changer.
PLEASE help out if you can, and MANY, MANY thanks in advance!!!
Post Edited (2015-06-11 02:54)
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Author: tylerleecutts
Date: 2015-06-11 05:13
RDG Woodwinds stocks the Vandorens, Ricos, and Fobes mouthpieces. They'll ship you 3 mouthpieces for only the cost of shipping, a 20.00 flat rate. You can't beat that compared to the gas money you may spend. .
I doubt anyone stocks the Grabners. That seems to be only through him. For Gennusa mouthpieces it would be best to contact Redwine.
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Author: nata
Date: 2015-06-11 06:57
Many thanks to those that replied.
Question about RDG woodwinds: does the $20 shipping pay for only the shipping from the store to my house, or does it pay for to-and-from my house?
I seriously do not want to pay $40 dollars for back-and-forth shipping all just to try a mouthpiece.
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Author: tylerleecutts
Date: 2015-06-11 08:37
It's a round trip fee. They put a return label in the package. 2 day Priority shipping.
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Author: nata
Date: 2015-06-11 20:29
Many thanks to everyone for the informative replies!
They helped my search for a mouthpiece a LOT!!
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Author: nata
Date: 2015-06-11 20:34
how reed friendly are Rico's mouthpieces in accepting other types of reeds?
I am considering play-testing a Rico x0 (tip opening undecided) with a vandoren 3 reed.
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2015-06-11 21:32
You might consider adding the Vandoren M13 (and M13 lyre) mouthpiece to your list of candidates to be tested. The opening on the M13 (1.005 mm.) is similiar to the opening on the Reserve X0 (1.00 mm. ). The M13 lyre is a little more open (1.02 mm at the tip).
The M13 centers the tone well, has a clear ring to the sound without being harsh or aggressive, and (especially in the 88 profile) allows for easy and rapid articulation. It is also fairly reed friendly (most Vandoren models in #3 or 3.5 work well on it). The M13 can be suitable for almost everyone from middle school to professional orchestra. A very fine mouthpiece, especially for the price. Just be sure to try several.
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Author: sbrodt54
Date: 2015-06-12 01:50
Nazareth Music in Nazareth pa is about an hour north of Philadelphia, they will have all of those brands you listed in stock except for the Grabner, then add Brad Behn to the mix. Brad has some new models coming soon as well.
Scott Brodt
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Author: tylerleecutts
Date: 2015-06-12 02:52
The X0 is more like the M13 Lyre in my opinion. You probably need a 3.5+ reed on it. 3.5 may be too soft for comfort.
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Author: clarinetguy ★2017
Date: 2015-06-12 04:15
I second Katrina's recommendation of Muncy Winds. I bought a Gennusa Excellente from them a few years ago, and a Vandoren sax mouthpiece from them recently. Great business, great service.
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Author: nata
Date: 2015-06-12 06:32
Thanks for the feedback everyone!
Helps my search a lot!
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Author: JHowell
Date: 2015-06-12 15:35
I currently play a Rico ("Reserve" nowadays) X5, but have happily played an X0, both with 3.5 reeds. Both would be worth a try; they are relatively inexpensive.
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Author: TomS
Date: 2015-06-12 20:15
I'll ditto the Vandoren M13 endorsement ... Also, works well with Legere reeds. We have a teacher in this area that pretty much demands that most beginners start on this MP. In the fall, our local music store will stock a pile of them, and I take advantage of this and find another one that I like. BTW, consistency of Vandoren is much improved over stuff they made just a few years ago ...
There is always the 5RV-lyre if you like more ring and core and the M30-lyre if you want a free-blowing, smooth playing MP that works well with IMO, VD blue box reeds.
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Author: Filettofish
Date: 2015-06-13 00:48
I prefer V12's with my 5RV lyre, but to each mouthpiece its own. If you can find a classic 5RV, that's even freer blowing than the lyre. All a mouthpiece really is anyway is a tool, helping you to play the clarinet. Make sure your first priority is comfort, as you have control over the tone.
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Author: nata
Date: 2015-06-18 20:42
OK... so I think that the best trial option is from RDG woodwinds.
My M15 is chipped, so I am looking for something that is better, and that can be able to allow me to do pitch bends.
I use a V12 3 reed, and want to continue doing so.
A friend lent me a Vandoren B45, but it was too resistant... I wanted something more free-blowing, like a M15.
I have the following options to chose from, and I can pick only three.
I would like to chose three different mouthpieces to trial.
I am starring those that I am more inclined to try at the moment
1- * - Fobes "Nova"
2- * - D'addario/Rico x0 (1.00 mm tip)
3- * - D'addario/Rico x5 (1.05 mm tip)
4- Vandoren M30 D - (German Concept)
5- * - Vandoren M30 Lyre (Profile 88)
Please help me decide as there are so many mouthpieces, and I only have one shot to try them and buy one.
I would like to be able to play Jazz, Klezmer, and Classical, with the ability to do pitch bends, but I do not want that open feel of a B45.
My M15 did not allow me to do bends quite well, honestly.
Thank you very much for your advice, in advance.
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Author: KenJarczyk
Date: 2015-06-18 20:55
In your original list, you mentioned Grabner. He makes wonderful mouthpieces. I would call him (he is one of the friendliest and most helpful people you could ever meet) and tell him your story, and what you want to play. No, he is not the cheapest, but Rico, Vandoren and all the rest of the mass-produced pieces out there may have mass-appeal - but I've never tried one that has personality. Walter's mouthpieces will help your musical personality. You will never regret dealing with him.
Ken Jarczyk
Woodwinds Specialist
Eb, C, Bb, A & Bass Clarinets
Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophones
Flute, Alto Flute, Piccolo
Post Edited (2015-06-18 21:57)
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Author: nata
Date: 2015-06-19 06:43
A grabner is a bit out of my financial reach at the moment.
However, I have a chipped M15 and I need to buy something new.
Please advise me as to what three mouthpieces to trial as per the model above.
One additional candidate is the Black Diamond Vandoren mouthpiece.
I need a more closed mouthpiece that will allow me to pitch bend and play jazz and klezmer, all while having good projection and good articulation...
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Author: JHowell
Date: 2015-06-19 07:14
All else being equal, the need to bend pitch for jazz an klezmer would indicate a more open mouthpiece. Better articulation would indicate a more closed mouthpiece. M15 is a perfectly good mouthpiece.
Besides which, I have seen over the years that great players spend plenty of time and money on their setups, but the best players sound like themselves on anything. I don't think the internet can pick a mouthpiece for you. We can all recommend our favorite three mouthpieces, but you don't know us and we don't know you. I think you were on the right track with finding a store with a good stock of mouthpieces, going there, and trying.
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Author: nata
Date: 2015-06-19 07:15
The store is in california, and I am on the east coast.
That is the issue as there are no stores in my area that have a decent stock of mouthpieces.
This is why I am asking for recomendations.
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Author: tylerleecutts
Date: 2015-06-19 07:28
Your best bet is to weigh the options of models and pick to trial the ones you believe may be the best ones. RDG woodwinds will have just about all of the Vandorens in stock. The M30 might be a good choice as a versatile model, as it was created with some of those thoughts in mind with a open tip and very long lay.
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Author: EaubeauHorn
Date: 2015-06-20 22:19
Someone mentioned a particular mpc that works well with Legere. Since I use Legere, I'm interested in more commentary on what works well with it. I am using a Fobes Debut at present, which is a huge step up from the beat up Bundy mpc that was in the case with my 1950s Bundy.
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