The Clarinet BBoard
Author: nellsonic
Date: 2015-02-21 05:00
I've just purchased a pair of Ridenour clarinets, the Libertas in Bb and the Lyrique in A. They both have the same adjustable thumb rest, which is fine, but I'd like to be able to attach a neck strap and will have to either bend the slider portion of the rest outward to be able to hook the neck strap to it, or come up with another solution. I spoke to Ted Ridenour today and he thought that he remembered someone coming up with a cheap and easy alternative several years ago, but couldn't recall it at the moment. I'd like to avoid putting new holes in the instruments, and the Buffet thumb rests with the ring for the strap would require that.
Anybody here in the know? I'm really enjoying these new instruments!
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Author: Kel
Date: 2015-02-21 05:26
Don't know if it's still produced, but at one time there was a neck strap that attached to a small leather piece that was slotted to fit over (around the base of) the thumb rest.
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Author: j8649
Date: 2015-02-21 05:42
I use the clarinet strap listed below from the Woodwind and Brasswind. It has a leather piece that fits over the thumb rest. I use it with my Ridenour horn too!
Claricord Clarinet Neck Strap
Item # 360008 Model # A12-CL100
Condition: New Option: Standard
In Stock
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Author: WhitePlainsDave
Date: 2015-02-21 05:55
...came across the same issues, think I can help.
I've never been a fan of neckstraps that attach to the thumbrests.
IMHO the angle formed by the neckstrap as a result of it both lying lower than the space between the upper and lower joints (as where might sit a lyre), a.k.a. the thumbrest, combined with the fact that this strap attaches close to the clarinet, creates an angle for the neckstrap that can cause the left hand to bump into the strap while playing throat tones.
It's not an insurmountable problem, just a nuisance.
In rides Stephen Fox to once again save the day.
Check out his Neckstrap extension rod (ring mount) down the page.
This device when you get it might need slight adjustment to clear your G#/C# lever and the one that connects the upper and lower joints, but the problem wasn't an overbearing one for me.
It's being connected on the clarinet closer to the mouth, and featuring an attachment point further from the clarinet, causes a strap clear the left hand.
As straps go, I like the elastic ones because they allow the clarinet to float. Essentially, all they do is make it seem like your holding a clarinet without a strap, that's otherwise made of some composite light weight material. Tightening the strap creates the effect of lowering the weight of the instruments.
Write back if you need links to elastic straps.
Good luck with the new Ridenours. Excellent horns IMHO.
P.S. Players with instrument weight challenges, upon first discovering Stephen's toys, often say, "where have you been my whole clarinet life." He makes custom stuff to. financial affiliation whatsoever, just a happy user of his products.
One note, the device is contraindicated for use with his C#/G# R1 touchpiece, shown lower down the aforementioned webpage.
Post Edited (2015-02-21 06:21)
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Author: locke9342
Date: 2015-02-21 11:15
I've been thinking about getting a neckstrap for my Ridenour and I never thought about this. How does that Stephan Fox gadget travel? Like does it fold up or how would one deal with it after finishing playing and packed up?
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Author: WhitePlainsDave
Date: 2015-02-21 17:06
"How does that Stephan Fox gadget travel?"
The pin/pipe, call it what you will, that emerges perpendicular to the length of the clarinet, screws out and in for case storage.
This may beg the extremely reasonable question, 'how do you tighten the pin so it won't spin, and yet have its end ring always remain properly positioned towards the sky?'
And the answer to that is: notice the two adjusting nuts at the end of pin, where it interfacs with the ring. You tigten these two nuts on each other when you are comfortable with the orientation of the pin, and viola, the pin no longer spins.
I hope that helps. : - )
Post Edited (2015-02-21 17:08)
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Author: Barry Vincent
Date: 2015-02-21 18:57
All these neck strap support systems are useless to me as I must hold my Clarinet at approximately 45 deg for good tone & projection. After years of playing I now have RSI in my right arm (elbow) and must find some other way of supporting the instrument. I've made a wooden extension to my heavy duty metal music stand that is a second shelf below the metal one. Very handy for placing various items on it as well as the Clarinet bell. This completely removes all the weight from my right arm. I also use a Ridenour rubber thumb saddles as well. However I have a real problem when standing whilst playing as this support shelf is not practical to use unless the music stand is extended rather high. So there's still a problem for me.
The Oboe is even worst than the Clarinet as it must be held at an even higher angle but I can use the stand extension for it as well.
Strangely, I don't have a problem with my right arm when playing the Flute.
But as mentioned, my solution is really only practical when seated whilst playing.
The extension shelf only has a small part that prevents the bell of the instrument from sliding off the bottom shelf. There is no obstruction in front of the bell of the Clarinet or Oboe.
Post Edited (2015-02-21 19:00)
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Author: WhitePlainsDave
Date: 2015-02-21 19:24
Bravo mr Vincent for your ability to devise hardware to accommodate (if not in entirety) your physical challenges, not to mention your tenacity it sticking with play. Here again, you may wish to see mr fox's website if you haven't
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Author: Barry Vincent
Date: 2015-02-22 01:12
Yes WhitePlainsDave, I checked out Fox's website sometime ago. Interesting gismos he has for sale. I especially like the C#/G# attachment for the right hand first finger.
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Author: nellsonic
Date: 2015-02-25 01:20
Thanks for all the input!
I'd really like something that doesn't take up any of the space that rightfully belongs to the thumb like the Neotech strap attachment pieces do. Does the Clavichord strap work like that? I can't quite figure out from the picture how it actually attaches.
Stephen Fox's stuff is certainly interesting, and that touchpiece is really catching my eye as my left pinkie is just the worst for trills. I may be making a purchase of a couple of his items.
Dave, I can relate to what you are saying about the strap getting in the way of the throat tones fingerings, but it's never been a real annoyance to me. I only use the strap for short periods during multi-hour playing sessions, and probably will not need to use it as much with these lighter rubber instruments. Still, it is worth thinking about in case I end up using it for longer stretches in the future.
Ted Ridenour said he'd research the previous solution and get back to me. If he is able to suggest another approach I will post it here.
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Author: Jeff Chan
Date: 2015-02-25 02:15
My suggestion won't help nellsonic if he/she is wants to avoid putting new holes in the instrument, but I've been using Fox oboe thumbrests on my clarinets for awhile now. They have integral neckstrap rings, as I think most oboe thumbrests do. The curvature of the part that mates with the body will need to tweeked just a little - an easy task for any good technician.
I had been using Buffet adjustable thumbrests, but the screw threads on the ring and thumbrest body kept stripping, and since I wasn't readjusting the thumbrest position once they were corerectly installed, I simply replaced them with the thumbrests set at the correct position for me. And this is one solution that doesn't take up any of the space that the thumb uses.
Nellsonic may find that it's possible to fill the holes left by the Ridenour thumbrest such that they are virtually invisible. My technician was able to do that my my instruments, although they are wood bodied, not hard rubber.
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Author: rdc
Date: 2015-02-25 03:17
I use a ring adaptor that was made for use on the FHRED. I'm not sure if it was custom made or was the exact adaptor made for use on the Buffet adjustable thumb rest, but it works. Mine is a thin brass sleeve that fits over and around the thumb rest body with a hole for the screw to go through and tighten up everything. I use the screw from the Ridenour thumb rest and it fits well.
RDG Woodwinds is re-making a version of the FHRED and they also offer a thumb rest adaptor. It is expensive, but might be just the thing that you would want. You could check with them on measurements to see if it would fit your Ridenour thumb rest.
Here is a link to that item:
R. Chest
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