The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Philipg
Date: 2015-01-05 22:13
Hi to all! and happy New Year!
Today i got my new barrel ICON 66m for my e-11.
when i try to put on to play i realise that its wont fit!!
barrel was to small to fit in my upper side of clarinet.
what i have to do? for sure i don't want to change anything in my clarinet body.
so is there anyone that have already "trim" a barrel to know for sure that is possible for me (or a technician) to do that?
thanks in advance!!!
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2015-01-05 22:23
You can have the socket enlarged so it fits your E11, so see your tech to see if they can do this for you.
I had to fit a new barrel to a clarinet - the barrel was by the same make (as opposed to Buffet Icon barrels and E11 clarinets which are from different makers) but wouldn't go on the top joint, so I used a steel scraper to open up the socket by hand (and managed to keep it round!) until it fitted the tenon without binding nor rocking.
Better still is an adjustable reamer with several cutting edges (either 6 or 8 or maybe more) which can be set to the correct diameter as that will ensure the socket is round. At a push it could be mounted on a mandrel in a lathe chuck and skimmed, but the danger there is removing too much material, so best do it by hand either using a scraper or reamer and checking with every cut that's been made to ensure a good fit.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Philipg
Date: 2015-01-05 22:49
any trim with sandpaper inside the barrel will help you think?
its very very little the difference.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2015-01-05 23:40
The problem with doing it yourself with sandpaper is that you may not get a very even result (from one side to the other as well as from the lip down to the bottom of the socket). I'd have a competent repair person (with a lathe) do this. It's easy for them.
............Paul Aviles
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Author: TomS
Date: 2015-01-06 01:58
Only bad thing about modifying your new barrel is that it may not be an improvement (or could be a detriment!) to the acoustics (especially tuning) of your E11. Now you are stuck with a barrel that you maybe can't return because it is not "stock".
Don't modify it yourself, take everything to a really good shop and they can turn it down on a lathe, and with much more precision that you can with hand tools.
If the cork is just a little too tight, grease it up extra, extra good (including the barrel's socket) and see if you can get the two pieces to fit without using a Gorilla to assemble it. Be very careful and don't break anything! After a while, the cork will compress and the barrel may fit OK.
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