The Clarinet BBoard
Author: seabreeze
Date: 2014-07-27 08:21
Does anyone have any idea of what Selmer is up to? There are a couple of new videos on Youtube announcing the production of yet another new clarinet from Selmer. This one is called the Presence, and judging from the brief performance excerpts it is a beauty!
French virtuoso Philip Berrod plays some of Weber's Concertino and describes the tone of the Presence as "luminous." Though I respect Berrod's technique, I am not always a big fan of his playing style, but this clarinet seems to have woven a spell on him, and he is unusually, light, lyrical, and, yes, luminous with the Presence in his hands.
Michael Rusinick also captivatingly plays a bit of Mozart and sounds very clear, focused, and expressive. The Presence would seem to have a sort of infectious quality about it. I actually wished I could ask Rusinick if I could have the pleasure of trying the instrument after he was finished.
So what happened to the new Privilege? Has it been superceded by the Presence? I've heard some players are having tuning problems with the latest version of the Privilege. The Presence certainly doesn't seem to have tuning problems, and it comes with Valentino pads.
Who knows anything about the sudden appearance of this instrument from Selmer? See YouTube: Presence the New Clarinet Seles.
Post Edited (2014-07-27 08:40)
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2014-07-27 08:37
In recent years and especialy in the last few it seems companies (i.e. not just clarinet companies) "update" products in much faster cycles and also come out with "new" products much more often. Actually new product names.
When in the past some changes/improvements were not even mentioned or called "version II" etc. it seems that now similar changes come much faster and as a completely new model.
I have no idea if this is the case for this Selmer clarinet, but generally this is happening now with many companies.
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Author: bmcgar ★2017
Date: 2014-07-27 08:50
How is it possible to evaluate the sound of a particular model of clarinet-- especially as it compares to other models--on the basis of one or two recordings of only that model in only one or two particular environments and with one or two particular combinations of recording hardware, then played back by one particular combination of audio rendering devices?
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2014-07-27 09:08
Of course it isn't possible to make such an evaluation based on recordings. But on the Selmer video two very different clarinetists, Berrod and Rusinick, sound very much the way I'd like to sound. I hear a certain lightness and transparency of sound, evenness of emission and balance of tuning that makes me want to try the Presence. All any video or recording can do is to move you to try the instrument yourself and find out what it can do for you when you play it. This clarinet certainly sounds promising to me.
I cannot make a comparison of how it performs with respect to other clarinets until I've tried it myself, and I did not in fact attempt to compare it with Buffet, Yamaha, Shille, Rossi, Eaton, Josef Musik, Hammerschmidt, Wurlitzer, Ridenour, Hanson, Backun, or any other make or model of clarinet.
I do believe it permissible to feel some excitment for an instrument that sounds this good in recordings by different players. Of course I may be disappointed (or just as well, more enthusiastic) after I actually try the Presence. The only conclusion I have reached is that this clarinet CAN sound this good, however the result was obtained (magic, recording technology, voodoo).
Post Edited (2014-07-27 09:31)
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Author: ebonite
Date: 2014-07-27 12:19
The "presence" is being offered for a lower price than the privilege (based on the website of a London dealer). So, it seems that the two models are intended to be sold alongside each other, rather than one superseding the other
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2014-07-27 16:52
The Kessler site information it says the keyword is "based" on the Privilege. It is marketed with Valentino pad (they don't say which), and "WILL" be available in a nickel plated keyword.
To address the "intonation problems" of the Privilege. I recall ONLY the one mention from one fellow on this board.....this is called "anecdotal information." I am not discounting what was said, only that it was that one person's experience on that one horn. I have tried five of these horns at different times in different locations in the country (another audition is coming up next week) and I have had only the very best experience with Selmer Privilege in terms of intonation. The sound is also quite robust. From my point of view, as good as the very best Buffet R13s without the struggle to find one that has even pitch throughout all the registers.
If Selmer is marketing a horn that has most of the attributes of the Privilege without the massive price tag, all the better!
..............Paul Aviles
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Author: GaryH
Date: 2014-07-28 00:46
Will this be nothing more than another of the entry level professional clarinets that appear and disappear before they become popular? Omega Paris, Prologue, Prologue II, Artys, Arthea and Odyssee didn't make much of a splash. I've owned a couple of the Omega Paris, and Artys and a couple of the Arthea models. All good clarinets, but not many clarinet playing people even know what they are. ...... Now, people will be wondering what the heck a SeleS clarinet is. What are they thinking at Selmer?
Looking at Kessler's site the St Louis isn't listed. Has it ceased production as well?
Post Edited (2014-07-28 00:57)
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Author: Peter B
Date: 2014-07-28 17:23
From the information on I guess that's what it actually boils down to.
I made a quick translation of the first page (mind you, I'm neither a native French nor English speaker, but IMHO Google Translate doesn't really make sense of this page):
Who are we?
Henri Selmer Paris creates a new brand SeleS to complete its range of musical instruments, with respect of the values the SELMER family has respected since establishing the company in 1885.
From the start [meaning 1885], the Henri SELMER Paris musical instruments are made in our factory in Mantes-la-Ville (Yvelines) with world-wide recognized know-how, unique and authentic, equally through its design qualities and through its respect for instrument making craftmanship.
To respond to the evolution of the demands of musicians, Henri SELMER Paris introduces now, under the brand name SeleS, instrument ranges suited for different budgets.
To do this, Henri SELMER Paris has gone through a real technological challenge in its history by investing in research that has allowed to rationalize the production processes and to standardize certain operations.
Investments in new production tooling was done in order to optimise the production time. Additionally, external industrial collaboration allows Henri SELMER Paris to present a larger range of musical instruments.
In order to continue the history and tradition, the instruments that are destined for exceptional use [meaning for top musicians] will continue to be produced in their entirety with the methods of classic instrument making in our factory in Mantes, branded Henri SELMER Paris.
The instruments created using the technological and industrial innovations will be branded SeleS, created for this occasion by the SELMER family.
As with any marketing text, it doesn't tell a lot, but you can guess the things between the lines.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2014-07-28 18:33
So which two words is SeleS a amalgam of? Obviously Selmer being the first syllable, but what is 'Es' an abbreviation of?
It seems to be a French thing to make single word amalgams out of two (or more) syllables from words such as Java (Jazz+Vandoren) and Riec (Rigoutat+Ecole) and there are loads more examples outside the music world.
Or is SeleS just a fancy palindrome?
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
Post Edited (2014-07-28 18:34)
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2014-07-28 19:33
The Malerne ad makes it appear that all the clarinetists in Manhattan have switched to their brand. There's no denying the magical power of advertising to create imaginary worlds. I heard Buster Bailey play many times (mostly with Armstrong) and didn't even know he played bass clarinet. Was there some significance in putting him on that instrument?
But did any of these players record on a Malerne--even a few excepts or noodles for an ad?
Granted that in the Selmer video it would seem that somebody just handed Carbonare a Presence and said "well just play a scale or two," which was why I didn't include him in my admiration. Besides, his mouthpiece didn't seem to match--a bit spready.
But Rusinick and Berrod sound focused and fine, which could be a tribute to their talent and an excellent recording engineer (which the dismal videos for the Buffet Divine with Meyer and Frost didn't have), or the Presence could be a meritorous clarinet--or both.
Post Edited (2014-07-28 20:09)
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Author: James S
Date: 2014-07-29 01:04
I would first like to smile at seabreeze for sharing my strong feelings on the horrendous videos Buffet has been publishing as of late (The Meyer Divine and Frost selection videos). Who wants to buy a $7,000 Divine when the guy presenting it sounds like he's playing in a submarine?
The Seles line, to the best of my knowledge, will have exclusively entry-level pro horns. The Presence is designed to directly challenge the R13. I'm very interested to see how it plays out as the last horn designed as a "challenger" to the R13 (Backun's Protege) was not nearly good enough for professional use. Granted, that's my opinion.
Though I'm not a Selmer dealer and ergo don't know what sort of price flexibility they accept, I do know they will go for around 3500 for a Bb and a tad under 4000 for an A. They'll come in: Bb/A Nickel/Silver keys and with/without alt Eb/Ab. They will start shipping them out to US dealers shortly after Clarinetfest ends.
My Booth at ICA is barely 10 feet from the Selmer Paris booth, so I will spend a bunch of time over there and get to know the Presence well. I can promise you all I'll have a blog entry devoted solely to it
owner, James' Clarinet Shop
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Author: David clarinete
Date: 2014-07-29 02:38
Hi, next week I will have the opportunity of playing a Selmer Seles Presence. The price tag in spain is about 3000 euros. The presence have not the Eb Key, is optional (a little bit disgusting in my oppinion in a "topclass" clarinet).
A preview of this model on Musicalclarinet (in spnish .... sorry use google translator)
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Author: as9934
Date: 2014-07-29 02:48
Do you think they will release a E12F competitor?
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Wind Ensemble
Buffet E11 clarinet , Vandoren Masters CL6 13 series mouthpiece w/ Pewter M/O Ligature, Vandoren V12 3.5
Yamaha 200ad clarinet, Vandoren B45 mouthpiece, Rovner ligature
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Author: David clarinete
Date: 2014-07-30 01:05
I would bet my capital on Yamaha CSG III. Awesome tune, corrector key, great detailed finishes.... and cheaper than Selmer or Buffet.
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Author: BbMajorBoy
Date: 2014-07-30 01:37
Not cheaper than this selmer!
Leonard Bernstein: "To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time."
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Author: D Dow
Date: 2014-07-30 20:04
well it doesn't have laminate on it does it
David Dow
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Author: buedsma
Date: 2014-10-18 10:13
i'm testing the selmer seles right now . According to my music shop , it was meant to conquer some market segment from the RC range .
Price : 2000,00 euros for me
First impressions : very even range and especially the volume stays nearly equal from bottom to top with the same amount of air .
Soundwise : it sounds like a clarinet :-) . Useless to discuss personal impressions about sound with your personal vocabulary to someone else.
I like the keywork a lot .
let's first play a few days exclusively this one and then go back to the old clarinets for a comparison.
Post Edited (2014-10-18 19:26)
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Author: highlandjimmy
Date: 2015-01-30 01:52
Any further thoughts and opinions from people who have actually played this clarinet? I have been playing Selmer Recital clarinets the last couple of years and I'm very interested to hear as the video makes it look very appealing, especially the 'luminous' quality.
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Author: Johan H Nilsson
Date: 2015-01-30 03:16
I tried an A and Bb copy of this model at a dealer.
Both instruments were very even. A clarinets usually have uneven B4-C5-D5 (weak-strong-normal) but not this instrument. The A5 was a litte strong on the Bb clarinet (not unusual).
The Bb had outstanding intonation, the A average intonation. Selmer has placed the biggest twelfth at the E4.
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Author: buedsma
Date: 2015-01-30 18:39
i was playing a 10sII and i switched to the Seles , for intonation ,evenness and altissimo . Ordered one in A also .
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Author: highlandjimmy
Date: 2015-01-30 23:14
Great, thanks Johan and buedsma. Considering all my research and the opinions I've heard, I am going to order a Bb and try it out
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Author: Johan H Nilsson
Date: 2015-02-09 20:18
Mailed Selmer and got the answer: 14.6 mm.
So it is wider than the Recital and Privilege and about the same dimension as Signature.
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Author: redwine
Date: 2015-02-20 01:05
Hello friends,
(Disclaimer: I am a Selmer Paris artist)
I thought I'd weigh in on this topic. Stephane Gentil showed me the Privilege clarinet in Italy at the ICA convention a couple of years ago. I tried it and immediately fell in love with the evenness of the clarinet! For me, the intonation is spot on. The following summer, I flew to Paris and tried 10 of the Privileges (5 Bb, 5 A), and 3 Privilege bass clarinets. They were all fabulous instruments. While there, I also tried the new SeleS Presence clarinet. It was a very good instrument too, but I still preferred the Privilege. I left Paris with a Bb, an A, and a bass clarinet Privilege and have been playing them now for about 8 months. I'm still in love with them! I hope you get the chance to test these clarinets and every other clarinet manufactured before you decide which one fits you best!
Ben Redwine, DMA
owner, RJ Music Group
Assistant Professor, The Catholic University of America
Selmer Paris artist
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Author: Ralph
Date: 2015-02-21 06:28
Ben - I know that at one time you played a Selmer Recital. Can you provide your impressions on how the Recital and the Privilege compare in terms of tonal quality, flexibility, dynamic range and any other characteristics you may want to discuss. Many Thanks !
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