The Clarinet BBoard
Author: AAAClarinet
Date: 2014-03-27 02:46
Who has tried this clarinet? What do you think of it? As always, thanks for any replies.
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Author: TomS
Date: 2014-03-27 05:24
I've owned a Speranza for over a year and a Libertas for about 5 weeks. Both are hard rubber. I bought both sight un-played and don't regret my decision.
Both instruments have some similar characteristics. Very uniform blowing, very good tuning, beautiful sound. The Libertas takes the great characteristics of the Speranza and improves upon them. Actually they have a little different blowing resistance ... I think the Speranza might be a little more free blowing than the Libertas.
I don't know what RCP's plans are for the Speranza ... not sure if it's on their web site.
I had an R13 B-flat at the same time I had the Speranza. I sold the R13 after a few weeks ... IMHO it was no contest!
Shoot Ted Ridenour a message and see what he says ...
Post Edited (2014-03-30 17:33)
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Author: TomS
Date: 2014-03-27 05:36
I should have made my last message clearer. I still own the Speranza and use it for a backup. I play it from time to time. Good horn.
I intend on keeping the instrument.
Post Edited (2014-03-28 15:26)
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Author: rtmyth
Date: 2014-03-27 21:55
more info please; I have not seen it advertised on his site.
richard smith
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Author: TomS
Date: 2014-03-28 03:03
You will have to ask Ted ... I hope I haven't let the cat out of the bag ...
In about March of 2013, I called Ted Ridenour to order an RCP146. As it turned out, they weren't selling this model, but had a hard rubber replacement called the "Speranza". The instrument was new, and was not yet advertised on their site.
It has two barrels, an RE-10 MP, and a very nice case. Plays very well, very good intonation.
A couple of months after I purchased the instrument, I called Ted to order a MP and the horns were still for sale.
So ... maybe they are having problems with production? I've worked on projects before that had to be suspended or delayed due to various unpredictable circumstances. It happens.
Or, maybe they ARE available. That would be cool.
It's a great clarinet ... but not quite a Libertas.
Surely there are many more Speranza clarinets out there!
Post Edited (2014-03-28 05:52)
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