The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Roxann
Date: 2014-01-14 07:08
My open G is always SO sharp, even when my clarinet is cold. I make my mouth, lips, and cheeks relax as much as I possibly can...and it's still somewhat sharp. Any other suggestions on what to do?
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Author: AAAClarinet
Date: 2014-01-14 02:16
Sometimes the 3rd finger of the left hand is enough. Some need the fingers of the right hand as well. Experiment with different combinations. Hope this helps.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2014-01-14 08:48
The G tonehole is situated underneath the throat A touchpiece and is only used for this note as it is closed all the while the thumb or LH1 are closed.
It can be tuned by filling in with hard wax and adjusted until it is in tune in relation to the notes surrounding it.
How are the other throat notes for tuning - are they on the sharpish side as well?
What length barrel are you using?
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Bruno
Date: 2014-01-14 14:25
Add a couple of fingers to their holes in either the right or left hand, whichever works best (likely the left hand fingers), and then just make that part of "fingering" the G whenever you play it. It will soon become automatic.
For accurate information on the pitch, it's a good idea to use a little tuner when you're deciding.
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Author: Arnoldstang
Date: 2014-01-14 16:11
PULL OUT! When the rest of the notes sound flat then push in bit by bit until you have a compromise.
Freelance woodwind performer
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Author: Jerry
Date: 2014-01-15 01:44
I am amazed at my R-13 - it must be a fairly unique instrument. I understand most R-13's (and most clarinets of every brand) are typically sharp on the open G. Mine is naturally within 5 cents of being on pitch without fingering changes.
How does THAT happen?
The Villages, FL
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Author: rmk54
Date: 2014-01-15 03:30
Jerry wrote:
> I understand most R-13's (and most clarinets of every brand)
> are typically sharp on the open G.
Your understanding is incorrect.
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Author: JamesOrlandoGarcia
Date: 2014-01-14 22:53
After tuning the via the Ridenour method and you are warmed up. See where the thumb F and all the throat notes are at. Report back.
With my particular mouthpiece that I choose to use, I need to tape the A and G sharp tone holes in order to bring them in line with my throat G.
And I agree with RMK54 in the post above.
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Author: cyclopathic
Date: 2014-01-15 18:36
Jerry wrote:
>...typically sharp on the open G. Mine is naturally within 5 cents of being on >pitch without fingering changes.
> How does THAT happen?
G is very sensitive to pad height (also to adjoined open hole state).. so pad glued a little bit up/down, cork thickness under thumb lever, a little bit of dirt in G or F-hole and it could be anywhere.
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Author: Jerry
Date: 2014-01-15 18:59
RMK said: "Your understanding is incorrect."
OK, RMK, spill. Enlighten my understanding so I have a basis for revising it. Don't keep it all to yourself.
The Villages, FL
Post Edited (2014-01-16 00:09)
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Author: TAS
Date: 2014-01-16 05:29
Maybe the rest of your instrument is flat 
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Author: Jerry
Date: 2014-01-16 01:11
No, fortunately the rest of the instrument is right on. Yes, compared to what apparently is the norm, I feel quite lucky.
The Villages, FL
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Author: Jerry
Date: 2014-01-16 21:49
JamesOrlandoGarcia, perhaps you can straighten me out...
So, you have to tape your A and G# tone holes on your instrument, and most everyone else has to provide alternate open G fingerings to bring their G intonation in line with the rest of the instrument. Based on these comments, I am missing your basis for your agreeing with RMK that my understanding is incorrect that most clarinets are somewhat sharp on open G (without having to tape tone holes, use alternate fingerings or perform some other non-native tweak.) Note I said "most", not "all." My experience playing with several dozen other clarinetists and several band/orchestra directors is that open G is natively sharp on most Bb clarinets, R-13's included and that tuning compromises have to be made.
Please describe your experience to help me understand your statement and correct my misunderstanding.
The Villages, FL
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Author: rmk54
Date: 2014-01-16 17:26
I don't have time to go into detail (nor do I feel a need to defend my views to you) but I will tell you I own 5 R-13's (3 Bb and 2 A) and not one of them is sharp on open G.
I have many students with R-13's and Festivals. They are not sharp on open G either.
Look, use common sense: at least 80% of professional orchestral clarinettists use R-13's. Why would we continue to purchase instruments that are out of tune? And if we did, how could we keep our jobs?
And, to open up a large can of worms, if you think that you are always in tune if the needle on your machine always points to zero, you are sadly mistaken.
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Author: JamesOrlandoGarcia
Date: 2014-01-16 22:43
I firmly believe that the way clarinetists battle each other is very similar in fashion to how drag queens do it.
Playing in a concert band can be fun. But you'll never know as much about your instrument or your playing until you're doing it in a symphony orchestra or to a higher degree, chamber music. Even if you have an instrument that pegs green mostly, you'll be adjusting all over the place to place pitches and voicing in the appropriate place. Don't believe me?
Jerry, get a drone and your Bb clarinet:
Set the drone to a low Ab which would be at the lowest on the bass clef and play a fortissimo F on your clarinet. Bump both up the octave as well.
Next: Set the drone to a high G at the top of the treble staff and play a ppp C sharp. Make sure the c sharp is ppp and don't have a bump when you start the note.
Finally: Set the drone to an Eb and play an A on your clarinet.
All pitches for drone are in concert pitch and pitches for Bb clarinet as written.
Feel free to upload a video to show us the result.
James Garcia
Bass Clarinet/Clarinet III, Des Moines Symphony Orchestra
Post Edited (2014-01-16 17:47)
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Author: Jerry
Date: 2014-01-16 17:59
Thank you for your reply, RMK. I always appreciate when someone "takes the time" to declare one wrong on a given point that they also "take the time" to give a bit of explanation. That is the purpose of the Bulletin Board - to give helpful advice or at least reasons for a certain position.
So, then, I take it that your experience is that most if not all R-13s have an in tune open G (without alternate fingerings or use of other work-arounds), and that those of us who use a tuner ("needle on ... machine always points to zero") to make that determination are sadly mistaken. That statement, (I'm afraid to ask) could use some explanation.
You are silent with regard to other makes being sharp on open G. So perhaps that portion of my observation is correct that many Bb clarinets of other makes are natively sharp on open G?
I trust you take the time to explain reasons for your critique of your students.
The Villages, FL
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Author: Jerry
Date: 2014-01-16 23:13
Thank you for your detailed reply, James. I appreciate your taking the time to do that. I can only say, to keep things simple for Roxanne, the original poster, that "many" clarinets (and a couple of my clarinet playing conductors do not distinguish or exclude R-13's) can be sharp on open G compared to the tuning of most other (especially surrounding) notes. She needs to try the alternate fingerings or other suggestions as mentioned above to improve the intonation of that note - until she either gets a good, knowledgeable tech to tweak her instrument or find an instrument that has better intonation.
I understand that adjusting "all over the place" is a part of the art. I do believe you and I try to apply that - hoping that those other non-professionals who sit around me are listening and compensating as well.
The Villages, FL
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Author: Roxann
Date: 2014-01-18 18:29
Have been out of town. Thanks to all of you for your help. I'll update you as I start practicing again tomorrow.
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Author: RAB
Date: 2014-01-21 01:00
When you are warmed up play the open G and slowly press down on the F# ring (1st finger left hand) By doing this you can lower the pad height to see if that lowers the pitch any. You will reach a spot where the pad height will compromise the sound quality and that will be your stopping point.
It might be a key height issue. hope this helps !
Rodney Berry
Repair Dept
Muncy Winds Music Company
Boone, N.C.
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