The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Joseph Brenner, Jr.
Date: 2013-12-31 03:11
1. The picture is of Harold Wright.
2. The sound, albeit through computer speakers, seems to be Wright's.
One hallmark of Wright's playing is his extraordinary control of volume; a Boston Globe critic claimed that Wright stole sound from silence.
Another hallmark is a very subtle, very tasteful, vibrato.
Your link includes both. Would I, if sworn to tell the absolute truth before a court, assert that Harold Wright played the piece? No!
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2013-12-31 03:42
It sure sounds like Wright to me. I wonder where this came from.
Recordings of Wright playing Rose etudes have appeared. I wonder if these are from the same source.
These are very closely miced, and it's very different from orchestral playing, but it sounds very much like his second set of Brahms Sonata recordings with Peter Serkin
At any rate, this is essential listening.
Ken Shaw
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Author: rc004e
Date: 2013-12-30 23:42
These are excerpts from one of Harold Wright's Music Minus One albums: Beginning Clarinet Solos, Vol. 2
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Author: rc004e
Date: 2013-12-30 23:43
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Author: Ed
Date: 2013-12-31 07:59
Sometime back I purchased the Wright Music Minus One recordings. They are really fabulous. They are recorded very closely with no enhancement. There is a real intimacy to the recordings which makes it possible to really hear Wright's fantastic tone and expression. They are well worth having for any fan of Wright and for any clarinetist.
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Author: seabreeze
Date: 2013-12-31 08:05
Wright always knew exactly what he was doing in his phrasing. The evenness of his finger technique was superb: in fast, multi-note passages that others often played as a blur of indistinct tones, Wright connected the notes architecturally like the girders of a bridge, all distinct yet contributing to the line of the composition as a whole. You can hear this in another recent (Oct. 20, 2013) YouTube entry--Wright performing the Strauss Duet-Concerto with Sherman Walt playing the bassoon part.
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2013-12-31 08:36
I noticed that the MMO CD was "Volume 2." Volume 1 appears to be OOP. Does anyone know if that was also by Wright?
More generally, is there a list of all the MMO recordings that Wright made?
Ken Shaw
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Author: Bruno
Date: 2014-01-06 23:28
The Japanese below the video says, "Harold Wright (clarinet) model performance collection"
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