The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Waddii
Date: 2012-08-19 08:58
Despite lots of posts about the CT Barrel lengths I cannot find any reliable information on the inside dimensions of the original CT barrels. Does anyone know if they are definitely plain cylinders and if so does the bore match the diameter of top joint entry bore? Any help from someone who has one would be much appreciated, thanks!
Mine came with a barrel that doesn't seem to me to be right in anything except being black and wooden.
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Author: jbutler ★2017
Date: 2012-08-19 13:16
If I can remember to do so I'll measure mine promises that I'll remember.
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Author: jbutler ★2017
Date: 2012-08-20 13:43
I only check in once a day. Usually in the a.m. so I noticed the thread again. My CT barrel (in inch decimal) is .598 at the mouthpiece end and .590 at the end that goes on the upper joint. I measuered the top of the upper joint at .590 as well, so yes, it does match the "entry bore".
j butler
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2012-08-20 13:52
What are those measurements in metric?
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2012-08-20 14:28
Cheers - I guessed it was possibly somehwere around the 15.2mm mark, so 15.19mm is pretty close!
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: SchlockRod
Date: 2012-08-24 16:56
This is timely, as I am trying to figure out what to look for in a shorter bbl for the CT I just bought.
Please note I have a "Q" series CT. I was told by Steve Sklar that the Q & R bores adopted an expansion in the upper joint, whereas the P serial #s had a straight bore or something like that. It seems this Q/R bore is a taper, not poly-cylindrical like what Buffet introduced...
Anyway, my barrel (I'm pretty sure it's original to the instrument) is 66.7mm in length and bore measures 15.15 (0.596") at its entrance, 15.05 (0.592") at exit, by my measurement (allow some measurement error).
I read on Sax on the Web (forum) that "CT barrels were 15.35 tapering to 15.15mm". Maybe that's true, maybe that's what mine actually is, and/or maybe that's what either the P or the Q/R series measured.
Anyway, on that same forum someone strongly advised against either shortening that barrel or using another barrel without a similar bore/taper.
So that's what I'm trying to find.
I'm pretty sure I shouldn't use what's called a "reverse-taper" barrel, which I think is used to describe the specific taper used with poly-cyl instruments nowadays. And I think Chadash and Moennig are likewise for those instruments.
Am I right about that? Please reply if you know.
I also heard that Allan Segal (Toronto area) or Walter Grabner could make or modify a barrel to work on the CT.
Many people said you won't find suitable barrels just anywhere.
By the way, my top jt inlet seems to be about 14.9mm and outlet is more like 14.8mm.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2012-08-24 19:24
I'd suggest getting a specially made shorter barrel than shortening your 67mm CT barrel as they are designed for that length barrel - plus you will often find a full length (67mm) CT barrel is more valuable and sought after than a shortened one. There are usually shorter CT barrels on offer on eBay, so have a look there before doing anything drastic with your one.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: SchlockRod
Date: 2012-08-24 23:08
Thanks Chris
Right. I wasn't going to touch the stock barrel since it is no longer made and pretty special, made for the CT.
So anyway a CORRECTION:
My top joint measures more like 14.7mm at its outlet, not 14.8.
Again, these are my best attempt at measuring the CT barrel and top joint bores, and subject to some measurement error but should be close.
The Selmer barrel actually plays very nicely with the Selmer B* mouthpiece that came with the clarinet. The scale is very close to perfect.
But i am playing and seriously considering more open and/or larger chamber/bore pieces, and the 66.7mm length just seems unworkable.
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