The Clarinet BBoard
Author: melearly
Date: 2011-06-27 04:44
Just wondering whether anyone has a copy of the bass cl parts that are in A already transposed to Bb and would be willing to share?
many thanks!
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Author: davyd
Date: 2011-06-28 13:14
IMSLP has an orchestration by Tushmalov of about half the suite. I'm wondering if melearly needs the part for the Ravel orchestration?
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2011-06-28 16:43
...which makes me wonder what arrangement the poster is actually referring to.
I have played PAAE two years ago, on bass, but that was a wind band arrangement, and I don't know how much of that is original and how much is, well, rearranged.
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Author: Jack Kissinger
Date: 2011-06-28 17:23
Knowing who made the arrangement is very important in this case because there are so many arrangements out there -- at least 35 for orchestra and some others that are, ahem, pretty exotic (think Swingle Singers or Emerson, Lake and Palmer). Leonard Slatkin is fond of putting together performances where every movement is by a different arranger. He has recorded it this way as well.
Best regards,
Post Edited (2011-06-28 22:43)
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Author: clarinettist1104
Date: 2011-06-28 19:34
there's very little in A. I played that last September and sight transposed it. penciling in the new note names wouldn't probably take more than 10 minutes.
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Author: melearly
Date: 2011-06-29 02:06
Hi everyone and thanks for the input, it is indeed the Ravel orchestration that I am looking for
I don't know the piece but I believe about 3 or 4 movements are in A. Certainly in the Drapkin excerpt book vol. 2 there are some that are in A. If they are exposed parts I would rather not try and site transpose just in case
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Author: gsurosey
Date: 2011-06-29 16:32
I have a pdf copy of the score of the Ravel orchestration. I can e-mail it to you if you want. I don't know if you already have the music and thus this would be no help since the parts aren't transposed.
Clarinet Stash:
Bb/A: Buffet R13
Eb: Bundy
Bass: Royal Global Max
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Author: davyd
Date: 2011-06-29 17:35
Flipping through my score, it appears that bass clar is in A in the following:
2. The old castle
Promenade between Old castle and Tuileries
4. Bydlo
6. Goldenberg & Schmuyle
8. Catacombs and Cum mortuis
Bass clar is either in Bb or is tacet in the other sections.
I'm with clarinettist1104 on this: when you get the part, pencil in the names of notes. That should get you through the first rehearsal; you should then write out the parts if you need to. Doing this ahead of time with the pages in your excerpt book will put you that much farther ahead of the game.
You might get lucky: whoever had the part before you might well have written out the passages and stuck them in the part.
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Author: gsurosey
Date: 2011-08-01 16:02
This weekend, I redirected some boredom and transposed the parts into Bb (Ravel orchestration). If anyone wants 'em, send me an e-mail. I have them in Finale 2010 and converted into pdfs.
In "Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuyle", I had some trouble lining up the 3/4 bar nicely (and the pickup to the movement), so any tips on that are appreciated.
Here's what I have:
~ 2 versions of Il vecchio castello (The Old Castle). One is just the bass clarinet part; the other has the alto sax part on it, too (I did that since I figured the same player would play them, but then I realized there's not a lot of time for switches and I'm not sure how feasible it would be).
~ Promenade
~ Bydlo
~ 2 versions of Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuyle. After transpoition, it resulted in a huge mess of double sharps and a headache. So, I made a version where there are a lot of enharmonic changes which is easier to read. I have both versions.
~ Catacombae (I think it only has one note!)
~ Con mortuis
Who wants 'em? Send me an e-mail and I will e-mail the Finale and/or pdf (both if you want both)
Clarinet Stash:
Bb/A: Buffet R13
Eb: Bundy
Bass: Royal Global Max
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