The Clarinet BBoard
Author: srattle
Date: 2010-09-16 23:45
Hi guys,
I am always very interested in hearing the members of this board play when someone posts something, so I would like to invite you to hear me, and my ensemble Berlin Counterpoint playing Poulenc Sextet first movement.
I hope you enjoy:
Poulenc Sextet
Berlin Counterpoint
Zeynep Ă–zsuca - Piano
Aaron Dan - Flute
Yigal Kaminka - Oboe
Sacha Rattle - Clarinet
Heidi Mockert - Bassoon
Antonio Adriani - Horn
and our work in progress website:
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Author: Liquorice
Date: 2010-09-17 05:12
I really like your recording! There is an exciting rhythmic drive, nice range of colours, and the melodic exchange between the different instruments in masterfully done. I look forward to hearing more of you!
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Author: Plonk
Date: 2010-09-17 16:27
Love it love it love it! Love your sound, your look, your website is fantastic!
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Author: srattle
Date: 2010-09-19 08:34
Thanks for the nice comments.
Much appreciated.
We will hopefully posting more up soon.
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