The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Noqu
Date: 2009-02-20 12:37
Given the fact that there are a lot more Bb clarinets than A clarinets out there, I would assume that I am not the only person in the world who regularly sits down and types an A part into Finale in order to transpose it to Bb. Quite a pain in the neck, but as I don't have an A and feel uncomfortable with transposing on the fly, it seems the only way.
My question: wouldn't it be nice if the results of this tedious transposition work were available to others as well ? I would like to encourage those of you who have self-transposed parts of orchestral works to upload them to the Petrucci library (see, if the original score is already in the public domain.
I am just in the process of transposing the clarinet parts of Beethoven's 7th symphony to Bb clarinet and would have been very glad if I could just have downloaded a transposed part. Of course, I will upload it once I am done.
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Author: bill28099
Date: 2009-02-20 13:05
I sometimes play in a small student orchestra and frequently transpose bassoon to bass clarinet using Sibelius. Most of the time I can find free MIDI scores as a base for the work, extract the part, transpose. The required annotation is done by either looking at the bassoon part or downloading a score from IMSLP. Had you checked here you could have found a number of scores to start with and avoided having to enter all the notes.
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Author: Steve Hartman
Date: 2009-02-20 13:10
Many standard works are published in A or C and transposed in Bb. Contact your orchestra librarian before you transpose to see whether an edition which includes a transposed part is being used.
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Author: Noqu
Date: 2009-02-23 10:36
Well, all I actually wanted to suggest is: If you happen to have transposed parts, why not go ahead and donate them. You will make somebody very happy.
But thanks for your tips anyway.
@bill28099: Yes, I know you can extract parts from MIDI scores. However, I have found that many MIDI scores contain changes made specially for better MIDI performance. I have found that fixing these and adding all annotations is often more tedious than typing straight away, so I often don't bother. Same goes for scanning and OCRing.
@Steve: We are a small amateur student orchestra (no music students) and don't have an "orchestra librarian". Anyway, I am pretty sure that there is no edition available that contains a Bb part.
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Author: Eileen
Date: 2009-02-27 19:40
That's a great idea to set up a transposed database!
Before doing all the transposing work, I'd check as they sometimes have transposed parts for download which might not be in the set your orchestra ordered ... Often, everynotes has both A and Bb versions so you can choose what suits you.
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