The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Alfred
Date: 2008-06-24 05:02
So, it's currently 12:57 AM from where I'm posting, and I finished practicing at 12:14. I tend to practice anywhere from three to five hours a day, but most of my practice takes place very late at night (and sometimes in the wee hours; I've practiced a 1:30 AM a few times). I find that when I practice later, I'm more relaxed and things come easier to me, as juxtaposed to earlier when a little mistake can be infuriatingly frustrating. Seriously, I was having so, so much trouble with a run earlier, and then when I practiced a little while ago, I ate it up. Is this just a personal thing, or do people tend to practice better at different times of the day?
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Author: EEBaum
Date: 2008-06-24 05:26
I love practicing late at night. The biggest bummer of moving into my current apartment complex is the no-practicing-after-10pm noise ordinance. 10 used to be when I'd start.
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Author: Alfred
Date: 2008-06-24 05:32
I'd go crazy with that. I'm pretty spontaneous when it comes to practicing. I just get the urge to pull out my clarinet and play.
And, was that noise ordinance in effect before or after you moved there, if I might ask?
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Author: Jameslyons
Date: 2008-06-24 11:14
Sigh...yeah. I get into my music phase around four in the morning. Right now, actually. But...I'm in a crummy apartment.
So I write instead. Oh well.
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Author: Ryder
Date: 2008-06-25 02:47
I have an article about Steve Williamson (principal in the Met). He was a three year high school All-State Orchestra member. He got jobs with other places and eventually he made it to the Met, assistant principal. When the opportunity came to audition for the principal spot he would perform in the opera until 10pm, commute out of New York City for an hour and a half, then when he got home, he'd practice until 4 in the morning in his basement, then sleep for a few hours and start over. For him it was all about use of his time.
Ryder Naymik
San Antonio, Texas
"We pracice the way we want to perform, that way when we perform it's just like we practiced"
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Author: EEBaum
Date: 2008-06-25 03:34
I knew about the noise ordinance. It's in the lease agreement. It's pretty much the only drawback of the place, which I've otherwise been extremely happy with. Well, that, and you can't have a piano or an organ.
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Author: ABerry
Date: 2008-06-25 05:53
When I was in college, the only time I could get any decent practice time was after 8 or 9 PM and I would then practice until 3AM. Practice during the day was mostly a waste of time, invariably, someone would open the practice room door and if this was my practice time, even though the room schedule was right in front of them. After my first semester, I didn’t both to sign up for practice room time. I did speak with the Dean and was able to get a key which gave me access to the music building anytime I wanted.
The music building was supposedly haunted and on a few occasions my practice would be interrupted by non-music students who would ask me if I had seen the “ghost”. I’m not sure how they got into the building as it was locked at 11PM, but I made sure they at least heard the “spirit”…This usually resulted in me being able continue my practice uninterrupted…
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Author: Alfred
Date: 2008-06-25 05:58
Was there a piano or organ around? I'd have played something really, really slow and creepy, perhaps in A minor, and then played dumb when they asked about it.
And maybe they were the "ghost." :P
Post Edited (2008-06-25 06:01)
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Author: Alfred
Date: 2008-06-25 06:00
Ah...Double posts...Annoying. Stupid computer.
Post Edited (2008-06-25 06:01)
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