The Clarinet BBoard
Author: atasic
Date: 2008-06-22 22:12
Hello everyone
does some of you had experience with Morgan clarinet mouthpieces?
I would like to try them but before ordering and I just want to check are they worh trying.....
I saw facings are 10, 15 and 28....? suggestions????
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Author: Iceland clarinet
Date: 2008-06-22 22:30
They have shallow beak like on saxaphone mouthpieces and are pretty free blowing. But after trying a lot of different mouthpieces I found that it was hard to get a full sound with them and playing very loud or very soft with foucused sound was too difficuld for me. They used to be around 80-100$ before Ralph passed away but since then they have gone up to 200$ and I don't think they are worth that much money. But one mouthpiece doesn't suite everybody so you have to try for yourself. For example all the clarinetist in the Chicago symphony play on different make of mouthpiece and 3 different brands of clarinets:Buffet,Leblanc and Yamaha. And do the blend well together? Yeah they do.
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2008-06-23 00:50
I play a Morgan, it's fantastic, I love it. It's a very old one, one of the first he made so it's a little different from the ones today. I would suggest you at least try some. I recommend the 06 or 10. I stock a few for my students to try, along with many other types. I find them very free blowing with a dark full tone but that's difference for each person. Someone else may find the opposite because we all have different physical make-ups. Try them. The 15 could be good too, that's a little more opened but the 28 is very opened and Ralph used to recommend them for jazz players. ESP
(Listen to a little Mozart, live performance on a Morgan)
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Author: Roger Aldridge
Date: 2008-06-23 16:16
I'm a fan of Morgan mouthpieces. However, when I switched to using Legere reeds 3 years ago I sadly discovered that Legere reeds did not work well for me on Morgan facings. After trial & error I settled on Walter Grabner's Kaspar-style mouthpieces as giving me exceptionally good results with Legere Quebec reeds.
All of that aside, I agree that Morgan clarinet mouthpieces are worth trying. I've felt that they are sometimes overlooked in clarinet circles and I've been curious about that. I, too, would suggest the RM06 or RM10 models. They are very high quality hand-faced mouthpieces made from Ralph Morgan's special hard rubber formula. I would arge that Morgan mouthpieces are worth every penny of their price.
One thing I'd suggest is to contact Brian Powell at Morgan Music if you have questions about Morgan clarinet mouthpieces. Brian Powell and Erik Grieffenhagen (both trained by Ralph Morgan) are fast becoming highly regarded for their quality work in mouthpiece design and refacing. I've heard a number of rave reports about Brian's work with clarinet mouthpieces. Just recently Erik did some work on one of my saxophone mouthpieces that is nothing short of remarkable. Brian and Erik definitely know their stuff. The best way to reach Brian may be through Dave Hoskins at (Yeah, the name is funny)
I continue to use only Morgan mouthpieces (the 6C model) on saxophone. I've tried a lot of mouthpieces over the years. I've found Morgan mouthpieces to have special qualities.
PS, given the weak dollar and how Morgan blanks are produced in Germany, it's not surprising that prices for the mouthpieces have increased. I noticed that Walter Grabner has needed to raise his prices due to the weak dollar and the price for importing Zinner blanks. The current prices for Morgan mouthpieces are similar to comparable hand-finished mouthpieces on the market.
Post Edited (2008-06-23 19:03)
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Author: jack
Date: 2008-06-23 17:53
If you are looking for an open tip mouthpiece, I think you will like the RM-28 as well or better than most anything else out there. The Clark W. Fobes "Jazz" and the Lomax "Andy Firth" are two other superior open tip mouthpieces.
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Author: LarryBocaner ★2017
Date: 2008-06-23 18:56
I play on an RM06 -- best mouthpiece I've ever owned! I've had Kaspars, a gazillion different Vandorens, Stowell Wells Schneider, Bonade, Woodwind and you-name-it! The Morgan tunes well with A, Bb and C clarinets; has just the right amount of resistance for me, and has drawn compliments from colleagues and conductors.
And, moreover, the curious "duck-bill" shape is a great way to meet girls!
[Just kidding -- I'm in my seventies and married.]
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Author: kilo
Date: 2008-06-23 21:09
I think the Morgans are especially good for sax doublers, besides being fine mouthpieces in their own right. For some reason I happen to prefer my Grabner, don't know why exactly.
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Author: atasic
Date: 2008-06-23 21:23
Thank you guys for the comments, you where really helpfull.....
I ordered one today , Classic model RM 15! That facing and tip opening is kind of in a middle from 06 to 28 tip opening and hopefully will help me to realize the nature of Morgan mouthpieces....will se when I receve it....I will writte my opinion here after trial!
Dave from Junkdude web site ( it is really funny name !!!!) is so nice to deal with...If I dont like it I will get a refund or exchange it to another one
thanks to all once more
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Author: Chris J
Date: 2008-06-23 21:40
I will be interested to hear your assessment. I must say, my response when I bought mine a year ago was to buy another one (for my daughter).
My RM15 works well with Alexander Classique #3 (it did not get on with Vandoren 56)
So if trying out the mouthpiece I would recommend having some different reeds on it to see what works for you. Others may have favourites to suggest.
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Author: Fred
Date: 2008-06-23 23:06
I love my RM-15's. For purely classical, I might have stuck with the RM-10 I had, but the RM-15 gives you quite a bit of flexibility in your playing style. It is not, by any means, a wild wide-tip jazz-only mouthpiece.
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Author: Ed Palanker
Date: 2008-06-24 01:00
You should always try several because no two are alike. Many mailorder stores will send you 3-4 and charge you only for one on your credit card. Try several. ESP
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Author: Roger Aldridge
Date: 2008-06-24 01:18
Around 6-7 years ago I was talking with Ralph Morgan on the phone about clarinet mouthpieces. He said "Guess what I have right here on my work bench?" I asked "What it is?" And he replied "One of Benny Goodman's that he used for the majority of his performances." He went on to tell me the Morgan RM15 is very close in size and conception to Benny's favorite mouthpiece.
I hope the Morgan works out for you.
Yes, Dave Hoskins is a delight to do business with. He's a person of integrity and gives great customer support. My treasured 1934 Buescher New Aristocrat tenor saxophone came from Dave.
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