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 basset horn like you've never heard before
Author: larryb 
Date:   2008-01-14 01:37

Is this how Stadler played it?


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 Re: basset horn like you've never heard before
Author: DavidBlumberg 
Date:   2008-01-14 02:02

That's pretty much how I feel about that instrument

Sergey Nankin on basset horn

Very good group from Moscow!


Post Edited (2008-01-14 02:06)

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 Re: basset horn like you've never heard before
Author: bahamutofskycon 
Date:   2008-01-14 02:07

Sounds a bit like the leads in Edmund Welles.


Post Edited (2008-01-14 02:08)

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 Re: basset horn like you've never heard before
Author: JessKateDD 
Date:   2008-01-14 19:39

Is it a basset horn or an alto clarinet?

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 Re: basset horn like you've never heard before
Author: DavidBlumberg 
Date:   2008-01-14 19:45

Didn't look closely enough to notice - maybe it was an alto


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 Re: basset horn like you've never heard before
Author: Wicked Good 2017
Date:   2008-01-14 21:40

From the group's website:

"Sergey Nankin – clarinet, bassethorn, vocal"

Dunno, looks like alto to me ...

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world:
Those who understand binary math, and those who don't.

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 Re: basset horn like you've never heard before
Author: tictactux 2017
Date:   2008-01-14 22:48

Nah, it's a basset - look at the extra key cups down there. Alto has only two, Basset horn (low C) has some five on the RH side (w/o the bell).


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 Re: basset horn like you've never heard before
Author: LarryBocaner 2017
Date:   2008-01-14 22:54

Looks to me like a Buffet Prestige Basset Horn. Uses an alto clarinet mouthpiece.

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 Re: basset horn like you've never heard before
Author: JJAlbrecht 
Date:   2008-01-14 23:35

So.... what version of "clarinet sound" would that guy from village idiots (er, I mean expert village) call this form of playing???


“Everyone discovers their own way of destroying themselves, and some people choose the clarinet.” Kalman Opperman, 1919-2010

"A drummer is a musician's best friend."

Post Edited (2008-01-14 23:37)

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 Re: basset horn like you've never heard before
Author: sfalexi 
Date:   2008-01-14 23:37

Wicked good,

Offtopic, but I love that signature. I was a math major for the few years I took college classes.

"5 out of 4 people have problems with complex fractions . . ."

Retired, playing more sax than clarinet, but still playing clarinet and still loving it!

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 Re: basset horn like you've never heard before
Author: EuGeneSee 
Date:   2008-01-15 00:58

Wicked good - good choice for signature. Besides math departments, it also was found in computer classes. That's where I found it at Ft Lee, VA when I was in the Army, and now have a copy (similarly worded) hanging on the wall behind my desk. Love it!

Now, about that basset horn . . . ?

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 Re: basset horn like you've never heard before
Author: BobD 
Date:   2008-01-15 10:50

Make mine a Big Mac...2 go

Bob Draznik

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 Re: basset horn like you've never heard before
Author: bbarner 
Date:   2008-01-15 12:08

Nice composition. Good flute playing, too.

Bill Barner

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 Re: basset horn like you've never heard before
Author: Roger Aldridge 
Date:   2008-01-15 12:33

Very interesting group!


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