The Clarinet BBoard
Author: FrankM
Date: 2008-01-08 17:22
Evidently, things were different in the past !
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2008-01-08 19:01
No wonder there was a riot at le scare's premiere. If we act like barbarians at concerts, it won't be enjoyable for many others having to endure it - think common day movie theatre with the cell phones lighting up, ringing, conversations going on etc.
not fun
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2008-01-08 19:10
DavidBlumberg wrote:
> If we act
> like barbarians at concerts,
Who is to say "who are the barbarians"? (and, of course, many "barbarians" were arguably more civilised than the the people talking about them). After all, you're a "nanbanjin" yourself ...
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Author: EEBaum
Date: 2008-01-08 19:25
I might suggest to have a noise-friendly performance and an STFU performance of the same concert, perhaps one as a matinee and the other in the evening.
I'm kinda torn on how far to go with this. One one hand, I find the authoritarian "sit down, shut up, look forward" mentality to be horribly stifling. On the other hand, I was recently at a concert of a local community orchestra that was held in a restaurant's banquet room where the kitchen was doing all their cleanup, as well as making themselves dinner, (in direct earshot of the audience) quite noisily during the concert. Between pieces, during the applause, a concerned patron discreetly asked the executive director of the orchestra association to request that the kitchen staff keep it down. The executive director walked to the kitchen and, during the next piece, proceeded to order herself a sandwich, providing even more cleanup work for the kitchen.
I actually, somewhat guiltily, took a bit of delight in the semi-Cageian clamor.
Post Edited (2008-01-08 19:26)
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