The Clarinet BBoard
Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2007-02-07 21:09
Is it just me, or does everyone else too search against his/her family name if no other search term (like "clarinet", how perfectly inventive) comes to mind?
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Author: Bob A
Date: 2007-02-08 00:15
Thank you Mark--found my thesis listed
(Robert Francis Arney)
Bob A
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2007-02-08 01:05
YES, my TKS as well, Mark. Its in my Fav. Places now, alongside the 2 patent databases. Made a few test-searches, am not sure just how they handle the "logic operators" since asking for my full name, it found many books etc containing the [separated] individual words as well. Looking for Al Rice's book via "Clarinet Classical Period" I happily found it in 4 Okla Edu. libraries. I'll check on genealogical searching tomorrow. Might this be the search-source that reference librarians have available? Regards, Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: Tim P
Date: 2007-02-08 13:03
to tictactux, of course I searched family names and found many interesting books. my son's thesis was the only one that was "real". but it was interesting to see how many other people with the same names were out there doing something to "better" the name (contrary to what I am doing with it)
I do plan on using the data base in a much more useful way now that I have had my fun with it.
thanks to Mark C. for the information.
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Author: FrankM
Date: 2007-02-08 13:51
To my fellow "old guys" you remember what it was like to do research and find articles/books in the days before the internet? I was working on my Master's thesis in the late 70s, and I would spend hours looking up journal articles and then searching for a local institution which had the journal, or send to the author for a reprint. It could take weeks to finally get your hands on what you were looking for. Today, the information available in an instant is really mind boggling. I wonder what your average college student is doing with all that extra time?! I have no doubt I would have used it constructively !
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Author: William Hughes ★2017
Date: 2007-02-08 13:54
I found....ME! Actually, a presentation I did for a professional continuing ed seminar almost twenty years ago. I am now immortal, although I still can't play the chromatic scale worth a darn.
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Author: thegreatestmusician
Date: 2007-02-08 17:21
In reply to FrankM: as a SENIOR history major/music minor, I have to do two research papers this semester with a topic in mind for my senior paper this semester. I believe that us college students do not really have the "extra time" as every hour of the day is filled with an agenda especially when you are a music minor. Finding information in college takes AWHILE! Not only I have to worry about these two big papers, on top of that I get really busy with all my other classes not to mention orchestra rehearsals, plus a minor recital this semester. All that extra time goes to practicing .. Even though this age in technology where we had information readily with online resources, I still think the books are the best sources to support your research.
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Author: Tim P
Date: 2007-02-08 19:39
based soley on a small sample population , by comparing my college days to my childrens i believe they have MORE information to sift through and the timeframes on completion dates have been shorten.
required reference have been increased and topics narrowed and more focused. My children would say that us old folks got all the easy topic first leaving them with the crap.
i also do not think that my slide rule and three significate figures is going make the cut any more either. speed and accurarcy expectations have been raise.
it is all relative.
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