The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Asain
Date: 2006-12-21 23:06
The cork on the mouthpiece that it came with is too wide and it won't fit in any of my barrels. Also, my mouthpiece will only fit well into the grenadilla backun barrel. It slides around because it's not tight enough in the cocobola barrel.
Do you know how I can fix this problem?
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Author: GBK
Date: 2006-12-21 23:20
Asain wrote:
> Also, my mouthpiece will only
> fit well into the grenadilla backun barrel. It slides around
> because it's not tight enough in the cocobola barrel.
> Do you know how I can fix this problem?
For a temporary fix, use either plumber's (teflon) tape, or waxed dental floss...GBK
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2006-12-21 23:46
You have to decide what barrel you'd like which mouthpiece to fit in. You'd either have to sand down a too thick cork, or get a thicker cork for the "swimming" barrels.
Don't ask me why barrel manufacturers can't agree upon mouthpiece-end socket sizes...
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Author: Asain
Date: 2006-12-21 23:51
I really love the cocobola barrel (At least I think it's that one -It's the orange one)
I also have another question. My old C. Robert Scott barrel works pretty well, but someone told me it was designed only for Buffets. Would it be wise to use it on the Leblanc?
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Author: Gandalfe
Date: 2006-12-22 00:27
Why don't you try it and check the sound, intonation, and feel. Then let us know what you think?
Jim and Suzy
Pacifica Big Band
Seattle, Washington
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2006-12-22 06:46
"My old C. Robert Scott barrel works pretty well, but someone told me it was designed only for Buffets. Would it be wise to use it on the Leblanc?"
No, that is very dangerous. By doing this you are putting yourself and everyone 100m around you at risk. You must wear an isolated suite and do it in a sealed and sterilized lab for such a dangerous experiment.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2006-12-22 08:20
Would a clarinet made up of a B&H 1010 mouthpiece, a Buffet barrel, a Selmer top joint, a Leblanc lower joint and a Yamaha bell spontaneously combust?
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2006-12-22 08:40
> Would a clarinet made up of a B&H 1010 mouthpiece, a Buffet barrel, a
> Selmer top joint, a Leblanc lower joint and a Yamaha bell spontaneously
> combust?
Spontaneous combustion only happens to humans, according to google. Oh wait, maybe the one common factor in all these cases was a mix&match clarinet?
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Author: stevesklar
Date: 2006-12-22 13:08
>Would a clarinet made up of a B&H 1010 mouthpiece, a Buffet barrel, a >Selmer top joint, a Leblanc lower joint and a Yamaha bell spontaneously >combust?
It might just spontaneously combust. It was somewhat stable being all European until you added that Yamaha barrel =-p
Asain - i have the same problem with my clarinets. I have many mpcs and some of them fit and other don't. Except with mine, the mpc tenon doesn't fit into the barrel (cork doesn't matter). Apparently until the mid 80's ? the mpc makers used different sized mpc tenons - at least that's what i was told.
I could correct the problem, but I have more than enough mpcs to use and rather keep them original.
Also, welcome to the world of G.A.S. - basically Gear Acquisition Syndrome. Anytime you get a new instrument there's always some sort of additional mpc / barrel mix & matching that goes on to fit what you want.
I'm currently in that stage - except I bought myself 5 new (used) clarinets (2 Leblancs, 2 Selmer and 1 SML) - talk about confusion.
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2006-12-22 15:44
After having the Cadenza for a couple of weeks I discovered it works best with the barrels sent out with it. I also liked the sound of the Cocobolo barrel best. The stock mouthpiece is better than most, but it wasn't something I wanted to use. However, the mouthpiece that came with the Cadenza I got did fit perfectly, as did both barrels. And I had no problem with my personal mouthpiece. So, guess you didn't get the one I returned.
I highly recommend staying with the Backun barrels on this particular instrument. However, if the intonation is better with the other barrels you already have, who am I to argue with success?
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