The Clarinet BBoard
Author: ChrisArcand
Date: 2006-07-25 23:25
Does ANYONE know where I can find the Bonade Orchestral Excerpts book?
Conn-Selmer or whoever published that book doesn't make them anymore, obviously, and I really need one.
Chris Arcand
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Author: Brenda ★2017
Date: 2006-07-26 13:18
We have the same problem here in Canada. The Syllabus for the Royal Conservatory of Music for the woodwind exams released a 2006 edition, and the Bonade Orchestral Excerpts is still on the list.
However the Bonade book is really out of print - I've done some checking on my own. You may find the odd place that still has one or two in stock, or a very trusting person may lend you their copy - I don't know if I'd lend mine out, chances are it may not find its way home.
In recognition of this, the new RCM syllabus contains major changes in the description of the requirements for orchestral excerpts. Besides making some changes in repertoire, the identification of the excerpt is no longer just the name of the piece. Rather it states the name of the piece along with the measure numbers / ranges that will be on the exam. The syllabus recommends using "standard published orchestral parts for the specific excerpts" and then goes on to list three possible sources including The Orchestra Musician's CD-ROM Library. I wonder if the other sources of excerpts would be allowed, for example "The Working Clarinetist" by Peter Hadcock, or the International Music series of excerpts. This would have to be clarified before walking into the exam room with them, I suppose.
It's very interesting that included in the instructions is a blurb about the exam candidate being encouraged to listen to and be familiar with the entire work from which the excerpt is taken - listen, listen, listen! A common theme here on the BB.
I see you're in the States, so you should contact someone or check out the syllabus to see if these are officially acceptable alternatives for the Bonade book.
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Author: ChrisArcand
Date: 2006-07-26 20:19
No luck with any of those links. Called 'em all. Hopefully I'll be able to get a hold of one here at the Clarinet Convention in Georgia in a few weeks. Thanks.
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Author: Brenda ★2017
Date: 2006-07-27 11:32
I wonder if these aren't in print just because the new publisher, Conn-Selmer, is willing to make the corrections to the notorious errors in the original Leblanc edition? It would be interesting to see what becomes of this in the next few months.
At least we now know where a few more copies are.
Post Edited (2006-07-27 11:52)
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Author: Garret
Date: 2006-07-30 02:39
Van Cott Music Services has the Bonade book listed on their website. Here's the link:
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Author: GBK
Date: 2006-07-30 03:03
Garret wrote:
> Van Cott Music Services has the Bonade book listed on their
> website. Here's the link:
If you had actually checked Van Cott's web site you would have seen:
"...We are out of this book. Because of the buyout of Leblanc by Conn-Selmer it is not currently available. We have been told it will be made available again, but we don't know how long it will be..."
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Author: Garret
Date: 2006-08-01 05:23
If you had actually checked Van Cott's web site you would have seen:
"...We are out of this book. Because of the buyout of Leblanc by Conn-Selmer it is not currently available. We have been told it will be made available again, but we don't know how long it will be..."
Thanks for the update--next time I won't read the computer screen by braille
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Author: Barb
Date: 2006-08-01 18:18
Opus II has it in stock; five copies I believe. I picked one up from them last month and they are in brand new condition and one knocked up condition one somewhere in the store.
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