The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Low_Reed
Date: 2006-03-27 13:39
Hi, folks,
It's been a busy and delightful week for me: I bought a used Selmer
1440 contra-alto clarinet, I joined a community band, and I modified
my bass clarinet stand so it could hold both horns at once!
Sweet horn - 25+ years old, shipped cross-country, and I was able to
play low Eb through top-o'-the-clarion C right out of the box!
(Using a baritone sax 3# Alexander Classique reed, BTW.) Now I can
take my Deep Burbling even deeper. (Here's a partial explanation of
why my solo (now serial duet!) low clarinet band is called Deep Burble 
Took both horns to my first rehearsal with this community band, 'cuz
they said they needed Low Reeds. And it turns out that I will use
both for the next round of concerts in May and June. I'll be
playing West Side Story's string bass part on my contra, with that
pretend-it's-treble-clef-and-add-three-sharps trick that many of you
have mentioned. (Or, more likely for this easily confused reader,
with that sit-down-at-the-PC,-enter-into-Finale,-then-push-the-magic-
transpose-button trick!)
I've been using a Larry Bocaner custom bass clarinet stand for the
last 3+ years, and have loved it. (Thanks, Larry!) So I was
tickled to discover that the vertical rod could be extended far
enough to hold my contra-alto. But, picture this: Try holding onto
a bass and a contra-alto, then re-adjusting the height of the stand
to accomodate one of them (the other one), while the conductor's got
his baton up! My first thought was to ask Larry if he had any more
stands available.
But then I decided to try modifying the stand, to hold both at
once. Spent most of Saturday staring at the stand and doing the
Rodin thing, and finally came up with this Goldberg variation on
Larry's stand: I Stand Alone . And here's how it looks, loaded up and ready to rumble: Big and Bigger
A good friend took one look at the intricate plumbing and
ductwork of my contra-alto and surmised that Terry Gilliam's mother
must have been frightened by one of these when he was in her womb!
As Plant and Page suggested:
Rumble On!
**Music is the river of the world!**
-- inspired by Tom Waits and a world full of music makers
Post Edited (2006-03-27 13:48)
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2006-03-27 14:53
Congratulations. It's gorgeous.
Have you thought of adding a third piece for a BBb contra?
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Author: BassetHorn
Date: 2006-03-27 15:58
Bruce, welcome to the contra club.
If you want to be in the correct sonic range that the composer intended, when playing string bass or contrabassoon parts on the Eb contrabass clarinet, in addition to the transposition trick, you need to transpose down an octave.
Cool stand and great home page!
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