The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Ebclarinet1
Date: 2006-03-22 14:01
Was wondering if anyone has recently compared the R13, RC, Vintage, Tosca and Prestige Bb models. I am in the market for a new Bb and really love my Prestige Eefer but I mainly play Eefer and bass and wonder if the $$ difference between the Prestige Bb models and the others is worth it. When I play Bb it's generally for the measures that I'm not playing Eb or bass, and generally not the melody.
I was sort of thinking more in terms of the Vintage (being like what I own already just newer) but I would like to know opinions pro and con.
Thanks for your opinions.
Eefer guy
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2006-03-22 14:24
A really good R-13 is hard to beat. Especially for what you want it to do. You can always find a good used one around the classifieds, or on eBay from a reputable seller (one who offers a refund). If you spend the extra for the Vintage model that would also be a good one--however not really necessary since you're not going to be doing solos on Bb and an R-13 is a great standard of the industry.
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Author: William
Date: 2006-03-22 15:34
This may be of some interest--two weeks ago, at our muni band rehearsal, I play tested a great playing Buffet B12 that one of our saxophonists had recently purchased for $300.00. It's sound was full and resonant in all registers and played remarkably well in tune--very comparable to my vintage R13. This was a clarinet that I would be comfortable playing in any band or orchestra, even though not a "professional" model clarinet. With a little luck, perhaps you could find such an instrument and save some dollars.
However, if you already play a Prestege model Eb clarinet with the extra Eb/Ab lever, perhaps you might want to also have that advantage on your Bb as well. Just a thought...........
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Author: rgames
Date: 2006-03-22 16:25
Tough question to answer - it's all personal preference.
One thing that gets me is the prices now - I bought a new Prestige Bb and A a few years ago for half of what they are now. Dwindling supply of appropriate wood???
Richard G. Ames
Composer - Arranger - Producer
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Author: crnichols
Date: 2006-03-22 16:28
You should try as many as you can. I attended the Frankfurt Musik Messe last year, and had the opportunity to test out their entire product line, side by side. In that instance, the RC and RC Prestige were hands down the best. Of course this could just be because they were the best clarinets Boosey and Hawkes had at their exhibit, not the best clarinets Buffet makes.
Christopher Nichols
1st Infantry Division Band
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Author: Danny Boy
Date: 2006-03-22 16:36
I've recently replaced R13s with Toscas and tried just about everything out there in the process.
As far as Buffets go, I went in with a very open mind...but was shocked by the fact that I couldn't even get close to what I wanted with a new R13. Festivals, RCs and the Prestige models of each were all nice enough...but I pushed the boat out and went for the Toscas, obviously the best for me.
It's worth bearing in mind just how much difference there is in terms of cost between the top and bottom of Buffet's professional range these days, I may love my Toscas but they have certainly made me feel the pinch!
As has been said...try as many different instrument as possible, including within the models themselves.
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Author: susieray
Date: 2006-03-22 16:51
Eefer guy,
I'm not sure if I am understanding you correctly, but it sounds like you are saying that you already own an older R13 Bb? If that is the case, why not have that one rebuilt by someone like the Vytas Krass, the Brannens or Backun Musical Services? It would cost you a lot less than buying a new horn!
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2006-03-22 16:58
Richard - if you are talking about US prices, that is because the Euro value has gone up compared with the US dollar. I remember some years ago the Euro and Dollar were almost exactly the same. The prices of clarinets in France stayed pretty much the same as dar as I know.
Ebclarinet - I have also tried almost all the models from Buffet. R13, R13 Prestige, RC, RC Prestige, Tosca, Festival, most both Bb and A, and most in Greenline too.
I thought all were very good clarinets. There was not one model I thought was that much better than the others.
Maybe the best Buffets I have played were a R13 Prestige (which I own) and a Festival I tried a few months ago, but I think the models are random, and that I would probably choose different clarinets if I tried different clarinet from the same models (or not).
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Author: Ebclarinet1
Date: 2006-03-22 18:11
My original plan was to go to NYC and try a bunch of these at Weiner's but I had the misfortune of scheduling my plane trip the weekend of the record snowfall in NYC and spent the whole time I planned to be in Weiner's in the airport! I had brought my mouthpiece and ligature with me, but luckily that was not something the airport screeners asked me about!
Anyway that's why I'm doing a plan B, rather than trying to get another flight into NYC.
I do thank you for al your opinions. I may have them send me two at a time and try to select from that perspective.
The Prestige Eb's don't have the extra Eb/ Ab key although my bass does. I do like that feature.
Eefer guy
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Author: Tyler
Date: 2006-03-22 20:25
Every time I have gone to the Missouri Music Educator's Association conference for All-State Band, I have tried a few Buffet horns. I also tried a bunch in Oklahoma during the last Symposium. I feel like most of the new R-13's are very stuffy and have a lot of pitch problems. Of course, for a few extra $$'s and some blowing through it, a new R-13 could be adjusted for pitch and the tone could "open up" some. Anyway, I liked the Buffet Festival, Buffet Tosca, Buffet Vintage, and Buffet RC for various reasons. The Tosca is great; it is flexible and the keywork is very nice-feeling, but I don't know if it's worth the high price. The Vintage feels more resistant than my current R-13, but the tone is very full and projecting. I thought the RC was an interesting horn; the shape of the bell, (as well as other factors I'm sure) gives it a uniquely focused sound. However, the keywork on the one or two RC's I've tried wasn't very comfortable. At least the springs needed some adjustment. My favorite Buffet horn that I've play-tested, though, is the Buffet Festival. It has a beautiful, deep, full tone, and it has comfortable as well as even playing resistance. Most seem to be very well in-tune as well. Even a Festival A clarinet I tested was very easy and comfortable to play as compared to other A clarinets I have played (only several I admit).
Oh, I failed to mention the Prestige R-13's. They are, as many know, more expensive than the R-13 because of things like the wood-staining process, and the metal tenon rings which prevent cracking (but inhibit resonance? -I don't know). The tone/tuning seems basically the same as the R-13. My teacher loves hers and she has had it for (I believe) around 17 years. As far as I know, she has only had one crack, which was in the bell, and which resulted from a fall onto a tile floor.
Overall, I am just thoroughly impressed with the Festival models. I'm not sure how the price compares to standard R-13's, though (which are about $2100-2800 depending).
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2006-03-23 05:32
I will also mention that if I remember correct, the keywork on the Festival, R13, RC (and Prestige models or R13 and RC) felt comfortable and similar to the R13 I'm used to. The Tosca feels different than any other Buffet and for me it was less comfortable.
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Author: Sean.Perrin
Date: 2006-03-24 06:25
I really enjoy my Festival... but recently I played a friends used R13 he had just bought and it blew me away! I'd say just get a horn you enjoy playing and the rest will all be fine!
Founder and host of the Clarineat Podcast:
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