The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Laura
Date: 2002-01-09 17:59
I am doing this for a recital on the 12th, and another recital in April - Solo and Ensemble of that means anything to you. I have a couple problems, the main one is breathing. the Baermann cadenza in particular is incredibly hard to get a breath wnd, and I feel like i am suffocating by the end of it. And the las trill - altissimo F# to G followed by th E -F# grace notes up to G. is there anyway to do this without tying you fingers in a knot? for the trill, I am using the thumb hole, first and second finger and the side trill key, using th second finger to trill. This is what my teacher told me to use, but i can't seem to find a nice fingering from the trill to the sustained high G, and I think that everyone in the band and my family are about ready to strangle me...that note is not nice in a small room. Thanks!
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Author: William
Date: 2002-01-09 18:10
Try this: TR XX0 XXX Eb and trill the r-h 2 & 3 fingers. This might be easier on your listeners ears. Good Clarineting!!!!!!
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Author: Richard Fong
Date: 2002-01-10 08:03
I will do the Baermann cadenza in one breath. You must take a death death breath (ofcos) and play it a little bit faster and quietly, don't play too loud.
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Author: ANonymous
Date: 2002-01-15 20:12
My suggestion is to use the following fingering
TR OXO OO sliver key(B/Bb trill key between the second and third holes) O Eb, and trill to high g using the side Eb/Bb trill key.
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Author: Clarinetgirl06
Date: 2006-02-28 20:44
So, what's a good trill from high Bb to C at the end of Weber 1, movement? I'm doing XX0l000 with the Bb/Eb key down and then raising the 1 & 2 fingers. This isn't as fast as my other trills. The grace notes come from a G so it would be awkward to finger XX0l000 Eb with the sliver/banana key.
I trill the high F# 0X0l000 with the Bb/Eb key, but then what's a good G to land on at the end what is pretty in tune that is easy on the fingers. So far I've had best intonation luck with X0XlX0X Eb, but it's not very easy on the fingers.
Thanks for all the help!
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2006-02-28 21:22
A good trill from clarion Bb to C: play the Bb using the sliver key (left ring finger) and trill with the bottom two trill keys.
For some hints from Stanley Drucker on the Weber #1, see my summary of his master class, posted today.
Ken Shaw
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Author: Clarinetgirl06
Date: 2006-02-28 22:43
I read your Stanley Drucker notes, thank you a bunch. The problem about the sliver key Bb to C trill is that comes from a G so the fingers are very awkward. Any suggestions?
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Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2006-03-01 15:47
Carrie -
Same way you get to Carnegie Hall -- practice.
You're all alone at that point, so you can make a slightly longer break between the G and the Bb, sliding your left ring finger up in the interval.
If you think that's clumsy, watch a bassonist's left thumb. Violinists and pianists change hand position constantly. Only certain clarinet teachers think you shouldn't.
Have courage. Keep at it until you get it right. Every advanced player learns to to it, and you can too.
Ken Shaw
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Author: larryb
Date: 2006-03-01 19:36
here's just a suggestion: skip the Baermann cadenza!
hopefully you have some artistic control over the recital.
the Baermann cadenza is musical crap (fun for clarinetists, sure), and really does harm to the piece, especially when juxtaposed with what follows (by Weber).
good luck!
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