The Clarinet BBoard
Author: rgames
Date: 2005-11-05 17:06
I found references to the problems with obtainnig Shostakovich excerpts on this bulletin board but it seems they were from a few years ago.
Has there been any progress in finding a "legal" source for the instrument parts for his symphonies? The scores are available (at a price - it cost me more than $80 to get the scores for his sym. 9 and 10) - are any publishers providing the individual parts?
Richard G. Ames
Composer - Arranger - Producer
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Author: GBK
Date: 2005-11-05 20:59
Shostakovich excerpts:
Hadcock The Working Clarinetist contains Symphony #1 and #9
Bonade Orchestra Studies for Clarinet contains Symphony #1 and #5
McGinnis Orchestral Excerpts Volume 1 and Volume 2 contains #1, #5 and #9 ...GBK
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Author: BelgianClarinet
Date: 2005-11-06 02:11
I'm lucky to have 'older' Russian excerpts book containing almost all passages for all clarinet types (Eb,Bb,A and Bass) of Shostakovtiches symphonies it's really great fun to play, lot's of interesting stuff for us clarinetists.
I think whoever it's no longer possible to find this book.
Post Edited (2005-11-06 02:14)
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Author: rgames
Date: 2005-11-06 18:11
I was unaware of the Hadcock but I have the McGinnis and Bonade excerpts. I need #9 3rd mvmt m 1-40 but the Mcginnis only covers the first 10 measures or so. And none of them has #10, which I also need...
Does the Hadcock excerpt cover measures 1-40 of the 3rd mvmt in #9?
Also, per my original question, is there anybody selling the individual parts now?
Richard G. Ames
Composer - Arranger - Producer
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Author: GBK
Date: 2005-11-06 18:54
rgames wrote:
> I need #9 3rd mvmt m 1-40 but the Mcginnis only
> covers the first 10 measures or so.
Not correct.
The McGinnis book excerpt from the 3rd movement of Symphony #9, is the 8 measures which start at #49.
> Does the Hadcock excerpt cover measures 1-40 of the 3rd mvmt in
> #9?
The Hadcock book excerpt from the 3rd movement of Symphony #9, also begins at #49 but continues to about #55. He also gives the section between #61 and #65.
> Also, per my original question, is there anybody selling
> the individual parts now?
All 15 Shostakovich symphonies are available from G Schirmer - rental only:
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Author: Chris Hill
Date: 2005-11-06 23:51
I purchased a part for Shostakovich #9 from Kalmus.
Is this one of those pieces that was formerly available for purchase that is now rental?
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Author: rgames
Date: 2005-11-09 18:54
GBK wrote:
>Not correct.
>The McGinnis book excerpt from the 3rd movement of Symphony #9, is the
>8 measures which start at #49.
That's interesting - are there different versions of the McGinnis excerpts (mine are relatively new)? Mine is definitely the first part of the third movement - where the clarinet solo introduces the theme. Or maybe it's re-stated at m 49 and looks the same on the page? I don't recall - I'll have to count through the recording (assuming there aren't any time changes - I don't think there are) and see what's going on at m 49. At any rate, my copy of McGinnis definitely matches the first part of the 3rd mvmt..
I guess this is a good example of why excerpt books can lead to confusion!
Thanks for the feedback,
Richard G. Ames
Composer - Arranger - Producer
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Author: ClarinettyBetty
Date: 2017-04-06 07:18
Try Kalmus for entire clarinet parts. I love that they still sell oversized parts instead of 8.5/11!
Eb: 1972 Buffet BC20
Bb: Selmer Paris Presence
A: Selmer Paris Presence
Bass: 1977 LeBlanc
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Author: rmk54
Date: 2017-04-06 16:25
All Shostakovich was affected by the GATT treaty. So, previous to 1992 they were public domain, now they are not. This explains why some libraries may have older Kalmus versions of some of the earlier symphonies.
BTW, the McGinnis excerpt of Shosty 9 has some glaring errors, including a missing measure in the slow movement solo.
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Author: Jack Kissinger
Date: 2017-04-11 18:42
In the edition from which McGinnis and Hadcock took their excerpts, rehearsal number (not measure number) 49 is the first measure of the third movement of Shostakovich 9. I have seen a different edition where the measures are numbered and there are rehearsal letters rather than numbers. In that edition, the first measure of the third movement is numbered as measure 1.
Hadcock has the first 47 bars of the movement. Hadcock also has 31 bars beginning at rehearsal number 61.
You can view the entire clarinet part here:
A quick look at the part suggests to me that Hadcock covers pretty much everything important in the movement.
Unfortunately, the New York Philharmonic does not have Symphony 10 in their archives. (At least I couldn't find it.) I also couldn't find much online for the first clarinet part for Symphony 10. You might try searching for orchestra audition lists. Orchestras sometimes include pdf files of hard-to-obtain rental excerpts. That said, I couldn't find anything online or in files I've downloaded in the past.
Best regards,
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Author: DAVE
Date: 2017-04-12 04:00
I have no. 10 for anyone who wants it.. 1st, 2nd, and Eb
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