The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Markael
Date: 2005-06-23 02:14
I bought a bamboo alto sax at a street festival once, for fifty bucks. I have only played it once or twice since. The guy who made and sold those things was incredibly skilled at playing them.
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Author: Ralph G
Date: 2005-06-23 03:36
For the love of Xenu, please do be careful attaching the reed with the rubber band. I can hardly imagine a greater tragedy than snagging the reed and seeing the price tag go up from $5 to $8.
/I wanna play one
Artistic talent is a gift from God and whoever discovers it in himself has a certain obligation: to know that he cannot waste this talent, but must develop it.
- Pope John Paul II
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2005-06-23 10:37
clarnibass wrote:
> The link doesn't work...
The link's fine - it's a problem on your end.
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Author: stevensfo
Date: 2005-06-23 11:59
Buffet is going to sue his pants off when they realise he's stolen their design plans!
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Author: larryb
Date: 2005-06-23 12:01
Ralph g - I agree with you. No better investment for this clarinet than a $45 BG Super Revelation Ligature. Not only will it protect the reed, but it will mightly aid in projection and tonal focus.
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Author: Ralph G
Date: 2005-06-23 13:01
Pshh -- there's no adjustable thumb rest.
I'll bet it plays pretty good, though. Here in Corpus Christi there's a local chain of fish and shrimp restaurants called Boat 'n Net. Their drive-thru speaker systems are made up completely of PVC pipes. And they sound better than any electronic system around.
Artistic talent is a gift from God and whoever discovers it in himself has a certain obligation: to know that he cannot waste this talent, but must develop it.
- Pope John Paul II
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2005-06-23 13:23
Have y'all forgotton the Arthur Benade, in his "Horns, Strings and Harmony" and ?elsewhere? had published instructions on making a simplified clarinet, for educational purposes !! I read it on back, in a time of greater tinkering, and decided to spend my time/energy on the tweaking of other's attempts at cl making. To each his own "problems/successes??" Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: ariel3
Date: 2005-06-23 15:45
Oh Good Grief !!!!
I can see it all now. Next, some ingenius person will improve it by adding a couple of keys, maybe even three. Then, some guy by the name of Eddie Albert will invent his own key system for the thing. And, before you know it, some Bohemian will start messing with it, and you know where that will lead.
Mazzeo, God rest his soul, will be grateful that he's dead.
I do have one serious question, however. Will the person who first tries to undercut the price of the instrument be in charge in undercutting the tone holes ?
Whoops, My wife tells me it's time for me to practice.
Too - lee - doo Gene Hall
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Author: Rick Williams
Date: 2005-06-23 15:48
I'm going to make one of these if for no other reason than to show up at rehearsal with it. Wonder if you could scale it down and make an Eb? I've been looking for a cheap eefer...g
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Author: Bob A
Date: 2005-06-23 22:25
This PVC Pipe is quite the thing,
A most wonderful invention.
Our own Dave S. just fooled with it,
Now his Bass has a 'C' extension.
Bob A
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Author: SueSmith
Date: 2005-06-24 03:16
Did you guys go to the last page? There is actually a link to an MP3 of the guy playing his pvc horn...I was actually surprised. This link should take you to the last page...which has a link to "Hear the $5 clarinet"
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Author: Dee
Date: 2005-06-24 11:05
Bet it would sound even better if played by a clarinet player since the embouchure control would be quite important.
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