The Clarinet BBoard
Author: BassClarinetGirl
Date: 2005-05-26 12:13
Well, interesting story here-
My mom went to look at a refridgerator (never could spell that word) that some people had for sale.... and brought home a clarinet. Also advertised in the "fridge" ad was a clarinet and music stand, $75 for the package. She thought that it was a good deal, so she brought it home. Its a Vito Millennium, bought new, used one year in school band by a girl my brother knows, is in very nice condition. The music stand is really nice as well, way better than the one we have. The best part, however, its that it plays very nicely. My litter sister is learning how to play it. Its easier to play, I think, than my old YCL-26, seems to be made solidly, and should be a good clarinet for her to learn how to play. She can already play all the way down to E, and can squeak out B and C above the register. Does anyone have experience with this model of clarinet, good or bad? I'd never heard of this model- I'm assuming its a basic student model.
Post Edited (2005-05-26 19:42)
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Author: GBK
Date: 2005-05-26 15:10
During the past month, used Vito Model 7214 clarinets have sold for between $49.99 and $177.50 on eBay.
It should be an excellent choice to use as an outdoor clarinet...GBK
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Author: Hank Lehrer
Date: 2005-05-29 00:06
But the "cool" story (that's my fridge joke for the day) is that your little sister is learning to play and doing well.
PS Your mom is a pretty good bargain hunter.
Post Edited (2005-05-29 00:42)
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2005-05-29 19:12
That's a really cool deal your mom got. The last time I bought a used refrigerator it cost me more than a new one. I bought it from my son who couldn't take it back and found it didn't fit in the space in their house. Since they had a new baby we took pity on them and paid him what he had paid for it so they could get another one. I now have a huge black refrigerator in my otherwise stainless steel kitchen. Absolutely no musical instruments were included--unless you count all the dozens of guitars I've bought for him over the years...
Seriously, the Vito Millenium is a very nice instrument. It was the first year that Leblanc made the bore size the same as that of their professional model instruments. This was a dramatic improvement in tone and intonation. I play-tested several of them and found them quite good in quality of construction. A used one in good condition is a good find.
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