The Clarinet BBoard
Author: stevensfo
Date: 2005-05-02 17:52
Quick question. What's the difference between a standard and inverted Bonade ligature, and why is the inverted more popular?
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Author: Steve B.
Date: 2005-05-02 17:58
The inverted style has the screws on the top. The reason that the inverted is more popular is that the gap between the rails that sit on the reed are not effected by how tight you make the screws. Also some people feel that having the screws on top of the mouthpiece away from the reed yields better vibration of the reed.
Some people also bend the straps with a plier so only the rails contact the bark of the reed and nothing will touch the reed edge. Other have cut out the middle of the rails leaving even less metal contact with the reed. As with all type ligatures YMMV. But the Bonade inverted does have a very clear sound with a lot of ring that is hard to get with a Rovner type ligature.
Just be careful when using the Bonade with a new moutpiece trial as they tend to scratch. A mouthpiece cushion or tape on the body of the mouthpiece is recommended to prevent scratches and slippage.
Good luck
Post Edited (2005-05-02 18:11)
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Author: GBK
Date: 2005-05-02 18:26
Steve B. wrote:
> Some people also bend the straps with a plier so only the rails
> contact the bark of the reed and nothing will touch the reed
> edge.
That is the way the Bonade inverted ligature was originally designed to work.
Unfortunately, due to Leblanc's sloppy and shoddy manufacturing, almost all of the inverted Bonade ligatures need to be readjusted to function properly...GBK
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Author: Clarinetgirl06
Date: 2005-05-02 18:54
I have tried the regular inverted Bonades and the inverted cutaway Bonades and I have to say that I prefer the inverted cutaway hands down. The reed seems to vibrate more and it seems to allow for more flexibility. My clarinet teacher's husband will just put a regular inverted Bonade on a broom handle and saw the middle of the ligature out. You can now buy it with the middle cut out from Muncywinds.
So, you can buy a normal inverted Bonade from Muncy for 16.95 and cut out the middle yourself. (Save money, but risk messing up)
Or, you can buy an inverted Bonade from Muncy with the middle cut out for 21.95. (More expensive, but will be properly cut out)
Eh... to each his own!
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Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2005-05-02 18:57
I used to cut the middle out with metal cutters.
I wish though that they made the ligature a little wider as it would be a lot easier to correct the rails to fit properly.
It's a really, really tight fit!!
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Author: RosewoodClarinet
Date: 2005-05-03 04:49
How can I bend the Inverted Bonade ligature to the way only rail press the reed?? How should I do with a plier?? Is there any repair person who could help this??
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2005-05-03 14:23
For me, the Bonades, reg. and inv. are very satisfactory as is, have several, a reg. for my glass Alto cl mp. I have a "Mitchell Lurie" for my glass bass cl mps, which grasps the reed by two horizontal bands, screws on back [top], very satisfactory tonality. As I read the above descriptions of cutting up a B invert., I believe my M L is at least very similar. Try them! Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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