The Clarinet BBoard
Author: mkybrain
Date: 2005-02-10 21:06
Hi guys, I've been using wwbw for i guess 4 years now, but im getting kind of tired of things being out of stock. And often they will say it is in stock and will send a message 10 minutes later saying otherwise. I've also had problems waiting several weeks for reeds that i have ordered(though i've switched to davie cane and am satisfied in that aspect). I know this all might seem whiney, but I and my parents really don't have time to deal with all these time contraints. I know i could most likely get everything i'm looking for from the original producer, but are there any other large companies that sell items such as ligatures, reed cases, instruments, mouthpieces, and such. Thanks
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Author: Bradley
Date: 2005-02-10 21:59
Well.....I like IMS of the three, with Weiner next in line. I've never taken to Muncy really partly because of their small(in comparison) stock and less competitive prices.
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Author: BobD
Date: 2005-02-10 22:14
Back order/out of stock seems to be common these days and not just clarinet items. Try going to the makers including Doctors products.
Bob Draznik
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Author: Ed
Date: 2005-02-10 23:15
Give Muncy a try. I have always found their service to be excellent.
Post Edited (2011-07-06 23:16)
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Author: Alseg
Date: 2005-02-11 01:45
also...and not excluding the others listed
Jeanne...sheet music...has nice alternative to Blayman stand
Davie Cane...Gonz
Dr Products...grease, swabs, Gonz....ships fast
One Stop Clar and Sax Shop ...ships V12s fast
Robertos (the www. link is misspelled on the retail list)..ligatures,etc.
I had success with the UK dealers..Myatt etc for spare parts and even a nice Eefer case.....ships as fast from Merry Ol Carmilla as it does from Elkhart or South Bend
Depends what ya want
The trend is to have very tight excess or believes in the bottom line. That goes for almost everything, incl car parts.
-Where the Sound Matters Most(tm)-
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2005-02-11 07:56
I had mail orders from WW&BW, Weiner, DavieCane, and Muncy, and also went to the WW&BW store 2 times.
Weiner had the most friendly and helpful staff on the phone. They don't list what is out of stock on their (not that great) website, but I ordered lots of different things and they had all in stock, free shipping, and fast delivery.
From Muncy I ordered a barrel, and everything was fine too. Only problem with them is sometimes they didn't answer emails, or took a very long time to answer, but when I ordered everything was excellent and they answered all my emails.
About IMS I can't say too much. I never ordered anything from them, but had bad experience. After I emailed them they offered me sometihng, I was interested, emailed them that I was, and never got a reply. I emailed again, and never got a reply again.
Overall I would say if WW&BW has it in stock, they are the best. If not, I would choose depends on what I need. I probably Weiner is my second option. I'd go for Muncy if it's something only they stock, and I would probably avoid IMS (they don't have online orders actually, which is another reason).
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Author: LeWhite
Date: 2005-02-11 09:48
I like Roberto's too - good international shipping price and items are always over-protected when they arrive!
Don't hate me because I play Leblanc! Buffet
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Author: BobD
Date: 2005-02-11 16:28
I somehow have the feeling that WW&BW has become part of a larger organization and is suffering from it....If Jeanne' has what you're looking for I think you will find "them" easy to deal with. Ferree's phone order is a delight.
Bob Draznik
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Author: Bennett ★2017
Date: 2005-02-11 18:17
I've had about equal (=good) success with wwbw and
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2005-02-11 20:32
Clarnibass said "About IMS I can't say too much. I never ordered anything from them, but had bad experience. After I emailed them they offered me sometihng, I was interested, emailed them that I was, and never got a reply. I emailed again, and never got a reply again."
C...try calling IMS on their 800 number next time you are looking for something. They're at their best when you talk in person to them.
I've used Lisa Argiris (owner of IMS) for years and respect her abilities on her instrument (a clarinetist) as well as her "touch" for hand-selecting instruments for me.
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Author: Gandalfe
Date: 2005-02-11 21:11
I ordered music for my jazz band three weeks ago from J.W. Pepper. I'm still waiting for backordered parts (bari, etc.). It can be disappointing waiting for stuff.
Jim and Suzy
Pacifica Big Band
Seattle, Washington
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Author: clarnibass
Date: 2005-02-12 08:34
"try calling IMS on their 800 number"
That 800 number is only an option if you call from the USA.
I could call them, but I'd rather call a store that gave me good customer service by email too.
In my country, we have one store for this. I'll explain how it works.
You want a Bb clarinet? They have only Buffet and Selmer, and a pretty small selection.
An A clarinet? They might have one.
Want a bass clarinet (or any other different clarinet)? They'll order one for you to buy if you pay in advance.
Reeds? They have Vandoren and Rico for Bb. If you want bass reeds you are lucky if they have a box in the right size, if at all.
Mouthpieces? Only Vandorens and sometimes even Selmers. Mouthpieces for bass? They did have a B45 and B44 (1 or 2 of each) when I was there, but that's it.
Ligatures? They might have a Vandoren ligature for you.
Reeds, mouthpieces, and ligatures are about twice as expensive as the WW&BW prices.
Customer service is the worst. The store is an hour away, but will not tell the price of instruments on the phone!
So the "small" stock WW&BW have looks pretty big to me. Weiner is still my second choice (they are more "musical" than WW&BW), and they have a low price guarantee so can't see any reason not to use them.
Good luck.
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Author: BobD
Date: 2005-02-12 12:26
"her "touch" for hand-selecting instruments for me."
My one experience made a lasting impression on me...
Bob Draznik
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Author: mkybrain
Date: 2005-02-12 20:47
I was ordering a pyne lig from them, they said it was in stock on the web site and by e-mail. Then on the same day they said its out of stock. Then, ordering with 3 day shiping, they said they can only guarentee it within a week. It's just too much of a pain, if i end up having the same problems with everyone else then ill come back.
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Author: TianL
Date: 2011-07-06 22:08
sorry for bringing up this ancient post.. but can anyone give me the link of "International Musical Suppliers"? I don't seem to be able to find it.. are they closed or something?
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Author: TJTG
Date: 2011-07-06 22:32
Oh They went out of business a long while back. I believe they were owned by Lisa Canning. She now only sells Buffet clarinets and such.
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Author: clarinetmc
Date: 2011-07-06 23:43
Muncy is great...they usually ship whatever you ordered the next day, sometimes even the same day...very fast turn out and good prices on everything...I don't use anyone else anymore.
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Author: wwbwskaught
Date: 2011-07-07 14:24
My name is Skaught and I work for wwbw. My apologies for the confusion and inconvenience on our inventory messaging. If this is happening to you it absolutely shouldn't and we need to get it fixed ASAP. With your help I'm hoping you can help me correct it. Will you please email me at so I can assist you? I'll make it worth your time.
Skaught Parry |
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