The Fingering Forum
Author: April
Date: 2002-05-07 22:50
Hey i need some help on my high notes for my flute...anyone have any suggestions you can write me back here or send me an e-mail about it!
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Author: kathryn
Date: 2002-05-11 13:05
by high notes im guessing u mean 3rd octave! u hav to make the hole that the air stream has to flow through very small and mak sure u hav the rite fingerings! iv been caught out alot of time with my e flat key on playin a high b :S
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Author: Piccolo Boy
Date: 2002-05-13 21:33
you could try a tighter embochure or roll in a little. learn how to do vibrato thatll fix a lil bit when your out of tune (belive me it helps!) try alternate fingereings.
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Author: auralchaos
Date: 2002-06-13 03:05
-I think there is a Eb and an E with a standard flute but I haven't figured out the fingerings (and why would you want to destroy your ears with those tones anyway)
-a super high d is like an A with a Bkey down (instead of the Bb) F and first trill and the lowC key down (one octave above a d two lines and a space above the staff (6 lines above))
-I haven't figured out Db
-a super high C is like a Ab with no B/Bb key down
-a super high B I think (I don't have my flute here with me) I will write the rest down and put them in tomorrow.
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Author: fionnuala
Date: 2002-06-13 19:19
what about a super high 'A'? I cant work it out but its in a few of my pieces! help please!
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Author: coolkobe
Date: 2002-07-09 04:12
blow lots and lots of air in it strongly.if you blow in softly your high B flat will turn into low B flats
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Author: Steven King
Date: 2002-07-20 04:53
the High A is simple the finguring is T 020 | 050 D# just use alittle more are that the High G which is 123 | 000 D#
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Author: auralchaos
Date: 2002-08-16 07:49
I think a super high a is like a regular a but with B natural key instead of Bb and no first finger plus E natural on the lower end with a Db key down.... open=@ closed=*
@ * @ * * @
Bnatural and Db key down
G is like a g with no thumb
I think Ab is like a high D (two fingers on top + Bnatural)
and F key + 1st trill and maybe second
I should be doing this with my flute but I don't have it here it is in shop. I usually play these by feel. If you experiament with over blowing keeping your mouth tight and trying the lower fingerings of those notes plus slight modifications you will hit it. Also different flutes might have different fingerings for super high notes. I have heard some one with a standard flute (C flute without the B foot on the end and "holes" in the keys {ie..not a french flute}) hit an E one octave above the E 3 lines above the staff. but I don't think my flute will go there. I can hit really high notes at very low volumes but I have no Idea what notes they are (they are bird calls) sounds like whistling through your teeth. The highest my flute goes is a super high D. I tried the fingering that guy played for the E but it didn't work.
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Author: Oboe/Flute Player
Date: 2003-10-05 16:40
I think everyone is missing the point... Hitting high notes, or low notes, on a flute is a matter of air speed and control. Not the amount of air but how fast it is traveling. When you go for a low note you need to blow slower, high notes faster. This is why posture and diaphragm breathing are important. Breathe from your gut, when you take a breath your shoulders shouldn't move. It's hard for "experienced" flute players to remember when they couldn't get the low notes. Breath control is your answer...
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Author: Oboe/Flute Player
Date: 2003-10-05 16:40
I think everyone is missing the point... Hitting high notes, or low notes, on a flute is a matter of air speed and control. Not the amount of air but how fast it is traveling. When you go for a low note you need to blow slower, high notes faster. This is why posture and diaphragm breathing are important. Breathe from your gut, when you take a breath your shoulders shouldn't move. It's hard for "experienced" flute players to remember when they couldn't get the low notes. Breath control is your answer...
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Author: Lisa
Date: 2004-01-27 13:57
These are great tips I have picked up from my music teacher.
First,relax!The jaw should be dropped and your chin should go forward.The hole from you mouth should be so small and tight,but bottom lip relaxed.Try rolling in the headjoint alittle.YOur lips should be doing a little more work,and the bottom lip should be further out,reaching for the high note and making the emboucher hole smaller.It really helps if you tighten the abdominals and focus on bringing that air up through the diaphram(gut),not your lungs .Try to keep your shoulders relaxed when you breath,and keep your throat open ,the same feeling when you yawn.Try to blow the air fast,but lightly(controlled).Posture is important,keep a nice upright posture.I get my best high notes when I stand to play.When I sit,I feel I can' t control my breathing as much,I get more air if I stand .My music teacher tells me ,if I focus on my low notes and try to get them to sound full and buzz,then that will help me to get the high notes.So,the days I have trouble with my high notes,I go back to low octive exercises ,playing really slow,making each note beautiful in tone...then when I go back to my high notes,i sound so much better.I think over time,you eventually get the "FEEL" for the high notes.It takes awhile to get that high note,but if you keep practicing (and don't give up!) you will get those notes!! Good luck ,I hope I have helped.-Lisa
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Author: Janet
Date: 2004-07-15 15:48
I really need help to learn how to count each beat, but the problem is I never learned how!
auralchaos wrote:
I think a super high a is like a regular a but with B natural key instead of Bb and no first finger plus E natural on the lower end with a Db key down.... open=@ closed=*<br />
@<br />
@ * @ * * @ <br />
Bnatural and Db key down<br />
G is like a g with no thumb<br />
I think Ab is like a high D (two fingers on top + Bnatural)<br />
and F key + 1st trill and maybe second<br />
I should be doing this with my flute but I don't have it here it is in shop. I usually play these by feel. If you experiament with over blowing keeping your mouth tight and trying the lower fingerings of those notes plus slight modifications you will hit it. Also different flutes might have different fingerings for super high notes. I have heard some one with a standard flute (C flute without the B foot on the end and "holes" in the keys {ie..not a french flute}) hit an E one octave above the E 3 lines above the staff. but I don't think my flute will go there. I can hit really high notes at very low volumes but I have no Idea what notes they are (they are bird calls) sounds like whistling through your teeth. The highest my flute goes is a super high D. I tried the fingering that guy played for the E but it didn't work.
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Author: Janet
Date: 2004-07-24 20:37
I need help on finding witch notes = the natral notes!
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Author: April
Date: 2004-10-05 22:23
Hi. My name is Kelsey Oden. And, I know how u can get thouse high notes. Just blow harder in the hole. If you would like to write back my address is
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Author: cara_cara172000
Date: 2004-11-04 21:55
I have trouble hitting high notes, too, so trust me when I say this. For one hour a day, practice your embochure and blow fast and short. Eventuly you will hit a high note and then practice blowing fast but for a long time. ( start with 2 secounds.) Now, do you have any advice for A flat?
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Author: Eira Jeremy
Date: 2024-03-14 11:10
Improving high notes on the flute can be a challenge, but there are a few things you can try. First, make sure you are using proper breath support and air speed to help produce the high notes. You can also experiment with different fingerings and embouchure techniques to find what works best for you. It might also be helpful to practice long tones and scales specifically focusing on the high register at my location
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