Author: cjwright
Date: 2006-11-12 11:19
If I recall correctly, Nielsen knives are just Rigotti blades stuck in a typical Hardware store handle.
I love Rigotti double beveled knives for my initial scrape, and then a nice herder knife, such as the albion Forrests offers. I also use a knife I got from Weber Reeds. A decent knife should run $30-$40 bucks, and although you can spend a whole lot more, I've never found it necessary. I've owned landwells, (medium and hard), but didn't get any better an edge than my albion. I also owned a Charles knife which is a nice piece of steel, but a bit pricey.
Finally, I would strongly recommend David Weber's The Reedmaker's Manual. It's a very comprehensive reedmaking book. His reeds are fantastic.