Author: WoodwindOz
Date: 2015-06-01 06:34
Barry, unfortunately that's not going to work for me as I am a double reed teacher! And hoping to teach through to 37 weeks...I may be crazy, but I'd rather take my leave after baby is born than before.
Deb, I'll try your perching technique. I have been slouching a bit more with playing due to a combination of slight nausea and a sore back, but now I am feeling better I have no excuse except for habit. The string attached to the head is a old ballet posture technique, and you are right, it certainly does help increase lung capacity...until my back complains! The things we do...
The lung capacity issue comes and goes, it is usually worse in the mornings as I have found, which is somewhat strange, but lucky in that rehearsals tend to be at night. I am trying to lay out of extended long note/ostinato/tutti stuff in rehearsals more and saving my air for the parts I'm needed.
I've also had the energy to tend to my reeds and scrape new ones in the last week or so, and that has helped, making sure they are a little softer and, well, not dying like the rest of my case.